Oct 05, 2010 17:57
sorry! couldn't resist!
i was told when i ordered this sofa that "some assembly was required" but the guy at the store said it was really just screwing in the legs...yeah...i had to bolt the arms and back to the bottom, THEN screw on the legs...lol. really would have been easier with another pair of hands but i managed. now i have deconstructed the 3 hunormous boxes that the thing was packed in and chucked them in the recycling rufus is out inspecting his new scratching post/fur trap. it fits in perfectly. its comfy, not too squishy, good for napping!!
anyway i now have time to eat before i go out to meet some people for drinks...so glad i made some soup last night.
note to self: the addition of turmeric to the butternut squash and ginger soup was a very good idea! its most delicious though i do say so myself.
now i only have 3 billion OTHER things to do before i am ready to leave. i just wish my brother-in-law would call me back! i can't confirm my flight til i know how many bags he wants me to take. if i pay when i confirm its about $20 a bag CHEAPER than showing up at the airport with them...ugh. plus i need to repack said bags so i know whats in them, just in case anyone asks. these days "no, my brother-in-law packed them for me" is a quick trip to detention, and i have been asked to confirm the contents of a suitcase in spot checks by security before. not to mention that he promised me a ride to the airport if he gave me a lot of bags to take (cause i wouldn't be able to manage them all on my own) and so i don't know now whether i should be making alternate arrangements. guess i can always call for a taxi if i have to!
better go take a shower and make myself presentable...