A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.
Well, my first thought on reading this prompt was that it should be Jade. But then I realised that that’s not actually right. It should be my mum. But I’m going to include them both. And a few more.
me and my mum I wrote a journal post about this photo (and a couple of others) a long time ago -
here. The photo was inspired by a Photo Friday prompt. I took photos of me with my mum and with my dad.
Anyway. The reason my mum wins for who I’ve been closest with the longest is that I’ve been with her since 9 months before I was born. My dad would have to come second.
Even though my sister and brothers would technically have to come next, my next is Jade. She’s been with me for thirty one years.
me and jade This is one of my favourite photos of me and Jade from when she was little. I think my dad took it. She’s about one, I think.
Wednesday 13th September, 2006 This was from my 365 days project. I was on the phone to my mum when I took this. I had my camera on a tripod, and just kept on resetting it on custom self timer which takes ten photos in a row, in quick succession. I took 140 photos of myself that day, in just a few minutes.
Abigail and her Great Nanna Two of my closest people. Abigail and I have always had a very close bond. I often wonder who we were in a previous life, because I’m sure we must have already known each other when she was born.
mjc31791 This is the Jade that sneaks out occasionally. The cheeky one. We’d just been to see Phantom of the Opera, at QPAC and were walking back through South Bank to the car park when I took this.
There are other people that I’m close to, of course, but this is just about those I’ve been close to for the longest.