Nov 19, 2004 11:59
I have the wierdest friends. Then again, only my friends read this, so y'all know that already. Maybe if mortal would let me read more of her writing, I'd be doing that instead of sitting here, babbling to you. I can't remember my Gamehouse password anymore b/c I'm always logged on at home. Not that it matters. Nothing loads on this computer. I only have a few minutes before my bus comes to take me to Concord. That's all right. I only need a few minutes to spew useless information at you. I don't know why I have so many friends on this thing. I have about five. My brother, my sister, my brother's girlfriend and two people who live in Michigan. Don't ask. Hey, H, remind me later that I have Geometry homework if you read this before Monday. It's only about six proofs, but it's amazing how long they can take. Look, I gotta fly. See ya. Stay rushed and horny.
~Rabbit C. Psycho