I'm all settled in and I never thought I would miss those fucking curtains. In the words of some fucking muggle, the boys are back in town. Yes, they are. Really though, all you bastards should be appreciating this fucking castle. The food here is orgasmic compared to the shite they fed you at Durmstrang.
Mulciber's back. Rabastan's back. Hell, even Dolohov is back. We all know he's been sent away enough times. The times will be bloody good, that's for sure.
Being a good lad now, I've written myself an agenda. These things are bloody necessary to get everything done. Not that I would tell anyone else what's written there. Organization is the key to success.
-Meet up with Dolph, patch things up, etc. He's my bloody brother afterall.
-Save Dolohov from his whipped pansy-ness.
-Smuggle in my effects that couldn't be transfered from Durmstrang.
-Find a groovy bitch.
-Add more to this pathetic agenda
When do we both not have classes? Never thought I'd say this, but we need brother time.