Oristar 2011.02.21 (interview only)

Feb 14, 2011 02:07

Oristar Feb 21st

The bond between the 6 is being challenged in the mission.

In the location shoot, all 6 members of V6 gather and face challenges. And only in this variety show, where they have to clear the missions in a limited timeframe, you can catch a glimpse of their true self. And what can these compilation episodes be?

Mission 1 - All 6 to show the appealing side of the variety show!

"We simply look forward to the day when all 6 of us gathered for the shooting"

-- It has been a long time since a 6-person location shoot can be done just like in "Mission V6".
Inohara: We are basically "Location shoot idols", thus when we are doing location shooting, we feel more at ease (laugh).
Morita: Eh! What's with "location shoot idol"(laugh)?
Miyake: Yes. It is true we are lively when it comes to doing location shooting~.
Nagano: For example the location shooting at Omotesando, it has this nostalgic feeling of "I'm back after so long!!"
-- And there are also a lot of questions from the readers too. Can you tell us "What is the mission that left the deepest impression?" (Kanagawa Prefecture. 17 female)
Miyake: It's the super spicy ramen for me (laugh). Nagano-kun really had a hard time overall (laugh).
Sakamoto: That one is really impactful~!
Inohara: It's awful!
Miyake: It's like though you want to eat, you can't eat it (laugh).
Nagano: It was really delicious though~. But it is so spicy that I cannot eat it (laugh).
Okada: Really the best!
Nagano: Until now there had been quite some food items. For example the "oversized menu".
Inohara: The staff definitely has no intentions of letting us clear the challenges (laugh).
Okada: Like the parfait.
Sakamoto: The missions that we cannot clear leave a deeper impression right?
Inohara: Yes it does. I really wonder why they think of missions that are super impossible to be done~(laugh).
Morita: Like holding our breaths (laugh).
--But especially during times when there is a limit to the mission, I feel that we can catch a glimpse of your true self.
Inohara: That's because it comes out naturally.
Sakamoto: And because of the mission, there are times that we suddenly "kyuu" together.
Inohara: Er, what is that suppose to mean? I totally cannot understand (laugh).
Sakamoto: Something like "Team bonding".
Okada: So that's what you meant (laugh).
Morita: I though it means gathering all our faces together (laugh).
Sakamoto: The brief moment when we "kyuu" together is quite fun! Eh? I don't really understand what I am trying to say anymore (laugh).
Miyake: And this kind of thing happens too!
--(laugh). Ok, please think over the next question. "Please tell us if there is a main leader in the missions" (Tokyo City. 30 female)
Sakamoto: When it comes to food, it will be Inohara.
Nagano: Just like the last spurt.
Miyake: But we have never even really had a last spurt right (laugh)?
Inohara: I beg to differ~ (laugh). But when you see on the whole, you can feel that Nagano-kun doing his best though. And thus it became such that "I never really showed any last spurt" (laugh).
Sakamoto: Nagano-kun is basically a "Yes-man" (laugh).
Inohara: That doesn't sound good though~(laugh).
Morita: Let's hear it from "Yes-man" then.
Nagano: I am such a typical model of Japanese men (laugh).
Inohara: And Sakamoto-kun is definitely the role of a "good-for-nothing".
Morita: Good-for-nothing "Zorro"(laugh).
Sakamoto: There must be some redeeming factors (laugh).
Inohara: But there are a lot of instances that you are good-for-nothing~. For example the parfeit.
Nagano: He only had one mouth of that.
Okada: Never ate at all (laugh).
Morita: Really~.
Miyake: That is really awful~.
Inohara: He only pretended to be eating~.
Sakamoto: I ate it!(laugh).
Nagano: I bet you did not (laugh).
Inohara: It might not be obvious from the video on TV.
Okada: He is just pretending to eat~.
Miyake: During that time his participation aura feels very weak~ (laugh).
Sakamoto: But during the reversed spectacles I did put in a lot of hard work right?
V5: ... ...
Morita: I think there is nothing special though (laugh).
--Next is Morita-san.
Sakamoto: Eh, you mean my turn is over?
Morita: I think I am probably more of a supporter.
Nagano: No I think it is more like in charge of jeering.
Okada: And also overall, someone who is super bad at reversed spectacles.
Miyake: He will move like a bird (jerkily)~
Morita: That is really scary. It is a little traumatic for me (laugh).
Inohara: But during times to cheer us on he does do it well. When he is not doing it himself, he puts in his best then (laugh). That is something that is only seen from behind the scenes.
Morita: And Miyake is a piece of junk who only causes disruptions (laugh).
Miyake: I'm a "lively piece of junk" (laugh).
Morita: "The.Useless"(laugh). [pun on Zorro The.Musical]
Inohara: But it feels like Okada is our battle strength.
Nagano: Rather than saying that, Okada is our only battle strength. He works hard on his own to clear the mission (laugh).
Sakamoto: (pointing at Morita together with Okada) It's you! It's because you did not do it (laugh)~
Inohara: In the Omotesando location shoot, after pushing around a bit, Okada suddenly shook off and shouted out "Does anyone know of this place?" (laugh).
Miyake: I wonder why he did that (laugh).
Inohara: I think it must be that he sensed that we will be in a fix if we kept on doing that and it will only be a waste of time.
Nagano: He wants to go home early~.
Inohara: He is in charge of "going home early".
Okada: There is no such thing~! It really sound terrible~ (laugh).
--In the segment for the future for the missions you want to do we have responses such as "please have public missions that involves the fans in V6 concerts." (Osaka. 21 female)
Inohara: It is good if we can have the fans on stage to do something. It might be interesting to have guest do something together~.
Miyake: Like having to clear the mission before the concert ends.
--But that will cause people not to be able to focus on the live though (laugh).
Inohara: That's true. But it is interesting nevertheless.
-- After completing 10 missions, you are granted a chance to go abroad right? We have questions such as "Which country do you want to go to?" (Fukuoka Prefecture. 20 female)
Morita: Anywhere will be fine.
Inohara: Because it is cold now, I would like to visit somewhere warm.
Sakamoto: Because this is rare, don't you want to go to somewhere you can't go normally? Like Egypt.
Inohara: Please go ahead.
Sakamoto: Eh? I thought it will be everyone going together...
Okada: Yes. We are not going (laugh).
Inohara: But this variety show is definitely not going to just let us go overseas. There will definitely be something going on.
Sakamoto: Doing something to the sphinx in Egypt...
Morita: He is being persistent from just now (laugh).
-- Will you look forward to the day of the location shoot since it is hard to gather all the members as each person is busy with their own activities?
Inohara: I guess we just look forward to it normally. Since it is not a variety show with strong feelings, everyone knows how to just have fun.
Morita: For me, my feelings are completely loosen~ (laugh).
Sakamoto: Today you're slack too right (laugh)~
Morita: Not nervous at all, totally relaxed!
Inohara: There is no sense of feeling nervous~
Sakamoto: (pointing to Miyake) This person too, has zero sense of feeling nervous.
Miyake: The key secret is to be relaxed! (laugh).

--Let's get on to the question quickly. "In Mission, who is the member who fires up the most?" (Chiba Prefecture. 36 female)
Nagano: Inohara-san.
Inohara: I think there can only be me.
Sakamoto: That's because he always does his best~.
Inohara: I am always passionate! Because the members will ride with me, thus I will fire up (laugh).
-- "While challenging the missions, is there any new findings of a side of any member?" (Shimane Prefecture. 27 female)
Inohara: Well, this is not something new but when the members are in a fix, everyone will go "Nagano-kun" and rely on him.
-- Do you mean the Nagano-san during the crucial point?
Inohara: Yes. Having Nagano-kun attack first is a very important thing for us.
Sakamoto: Yes.
Nagano: Though I can only do whatever I can, it is like "Go ahead and just do first" to me.
Inohara: We really rely on him a lot~.
Nagano: I am the top batter (laugh). Because Inohara-san is the last spurt.
-- "In Mission, is there any incident where you wish that that certain member will do that certain thing?" (Kanegawa Prefecture. 19 female)
Inohara: Like when we are not supposed to laugh, there are members who make us laugh (laugh).
Nagano: It is such an irony. But that is what makes it fun (laugh).
-- "In the missions done till date, is there any incident that makes you think 'this member's ability is incredible!'" (Aichi Prefecture. 22 Female)
Nagano: (Miyake) Ken's ability to mix around with the people he met with the first time on the streets. We all cannot do that~.
Inohara: That's true.
Sakamoto: He just steps into the picture though.
Inohara: But as he has no ill intentions, it cannot be done if it isn't Ken.
Nagano: That is his in-born talent!

-- These are some questions from our Oristar readers. "In Mission, who is the member who fires up the most?" (Chiba Prefacture. 36 female)
Okada: I guess it should be Morita-kun.
Morita: I guess so. I am pretty fired up recently. Have been trying my best.
-- What kind of mission are you fired up in?
Miyake: For the eating missions we leave them up to Nagano-kun (laugh). In the recent mission "Doing 6 different team gymnastics in 6 mins", our tensions are high!
-- When you succeed, do you feel happy?
Miyake: For example, when we manage to clear when there is just 1 second left, that makes me happy.
Morita: The feeling of just being able to make it makes me happy
Okada: 6 minutes just went past quickly. It is super short~.
-- "What is the toughest mission?" (Hokkaido. 16 Female)
Okada: Is there something tough?
Morita: "Oversize (menu to finish eating completely)" is really hard.
Miyake: Mine is " Spicy ramen".
Okada: That one is really tiring.
Miyake: Really tough~.
Morita: But for all the missions that we have till date it is still easy. We need to do something more incredible (laugh). We will be progressing to higher levels gradually.
Miyake: We are still at the beginner stage!
Okada: We will be slowly progressing to more exciting missions.
-- "While challenging the missions, is there any new findings of a side of any member?" (Shimane Prefecture. 27 female)
Okada: Well, we've been together for 15 years~.
Morita: Instead of saying new, it is more like changed I think... Like Miyake has changed to be an idiot (laugh).
Miyake: Why is that so~ (laugh).
Morita: I really think so~. For a change, he became an idiot (laugh).

v6, translation

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