If ever there was a god he is punishing me now for helping one of his foes

Mar 14, 2007 23:31

Now I know never to help Travis with anything ever again. I am very sensitive and allergic to something pretty commonplace in what some folks might call the "outside world". If I should ever come into contact with this something I would probably swell up and die... I am allergic to one of its counter-agents benedryl or however the hell you spell it. Guess what it is yet?

I have contracted that which the last time I had "it" I was hospitalized, my face had swollen up and I couldn't hear, speak, swallow, or see. Not to mention I was itchy all over the place. Thats right. I got fucking poison ivy. I am not sure but a couple of preliminary lumps have appeared on my face hands and it is spreading as I type this up my arms and maybe elsewhere in my body. As a preventative measure I went to Wal-Mart early this morning to attempt to grab a remedy before I was stuck at home without a car all day long. The solution I found was a product called "Zanfel". It was thirty five dollars and some change and said on the box and on the tube: "Washes away poison ivy,oak,sumac from the skin and relieves itching in 30 seconds."

I still have the rash on my hands but the medicine seems to be combating this as hard as it can for a topical cream but it seems as though the poison ivy is still there. Now I am not sure as I haven't been to a mirror to check but I think I have that shit on my face. I feel an itching sensation akin to that of ivy under my chin below my mouth. If it should happen to form there I will immediately have to go to the doctor and get this shit checked out. Also, I may end up swelling up again like I had back when I was younger... This is why I don't go outside, help others with yard work, or in general dig the whole nature scene. Every time I do it seems like I get bit by some fucking bug or a parasite drops down into my hair or I get poison ivy from a very limited (I didn't see any of the plant on the vines I helped clear but...) exposure. I am quite unhappy right now and I shant be helping any more with anything related to the outdoors world ever again... The very second I am able to see again after this I am going down to our fence and home-made torching any and all plants that look like they might give me ivy,oak, sumac and if I feel like it all the other plants that made contact with that plant.

In short I would be happier never having to go into horrible sneezing fits from tree semen, have the coloration of the grass rub off on my shoes/shirt/pants, or have any more fucking rashes from anything within the kingdom flora. FUCK....
//end pre-loss of vision,hearing,feeling in face rant.


fuck nature

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