Mar 20, 2007 17:58
I'm really excited about curling tonight. It's quite unfortunate that its our last game of the season, because Shakey and I are really starting to come together as a team. He's actually a pretty good skip, although I think he fusses too much over his own shots. Spending large amounts of time with that man is always pleasant, so I will miss our weekly time together, talking curling talk and sliding around on the ice like a couple kids. Curling is good times, y'know.
It feels good to have a clean house. Oh god does it feel good. With so many dirty guys living together, especially considering our dubious partying habits, our house piles up shit like no one's business. Recycling is ridiculous, though rewarding. Vacuuming is arduous, but having a clean floor is a lot nicer on bare feet than stepping on li'l pieces of glass and bottle caps. The dishes that pile up at our house are legendary, but having something to cook my meager meals with makes sense to me. A clean home, for me, leads to a clean mind. My mind as of late has been a cacophony. Mental clutter weighing me down, which is what leads to those binges that I've been deploring and abhorring myself over. It's been months, y'know.
I'm surprised, though honestly not that surprised, but my university experience is exactly as I expected it to be. I knew I would loath certain weeks, but that in general it would fly by. And it certainly has flown by, as I'm down to writing my final essay of the term. This one will be strenuous, but I figure if I sequester myself on the 5th floor of the Bib', I'm bound to get something down. I'm very glad I decided to only take three classes per term, especially for the first time 'round. Maybe I'll get some balls next year and giv'r for a five'r, but I think that much school might just fuck me up too much. I'm already fucked enough as it is, y'know.
I can't wait for May and to run away.