(no subject)

May 12, 2003 19:24

Well, the Hogsmeade weekend is over. I suppose I should be a little upset with Cho about the ruckus that Owl caused today in class, but I must admit to finding it a bit funny. When the owl starting screeching to be let in some of the poor 7th years jumped straightaway out of their seats, screaming! I'm afraid they thought I was loosing the Banshee on them again.

I need to talk to Sirius tonight. Explain that I just didn't feel like visiting Hogsmeade this weekend. I spent so much time there, in a house, just waiting for the changes to come and then waking up alone and scared when they were over. I don't he or James ever knew how that made me feel. When they found a way to join me it was like a dream come true. I didn't have to be alone and scared anymore. Sometimes, we can't help who or what we are. We just are. And it's those that truly love you that will stick by you no matter what.

Let people say or write what they will, those involved know the truth better than anyone. Why give a hateful person the pleasure of letting you know it bothers you? Not caring what they have to say, and laughing about them, will drive a gossip mad.
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