where was i now? Before I got hit with a touch of the Marvin's (paranoid not starving Marvin)

Mar 29, 2015 10:00

I am out at work, the routine of oats/out/shitty drive/random madhouse at work/ supermarket/shittydrive/ armchair and OUT/ drag to bed pretty much defines my life.
Im not a planner on paper so life is full of half started messes. Sooner or later home gets like that pile of plastic in the middle of the ocean...
We, or rather I, have an office to clear up so I can install computer kit that is going from old to JUNK while my brain goes from slow to swiss cheese.
Likewise a frontroom and a stereo that hasn't spoken since a decade ago...discs used to be my LIFE although CDs are a comfort, the only thing that comforts the shittyshitty drive.

Kitchen needs tidy, get the open spaces clear.....

I also have papers filed/squirrelled away that need sort'n'shredding.....

Slow slow slow, no job slower than the one never started! Started because I couldnt find car insurance/V5, misfiled into pile hundredandcrunch.

EPIPHANY! I MUST BREAK MY CHAINS AND WORK! I MUST go out with family and put it all out of my mind with Facebook the miracle distraction.

Got the makings of a stew downstairs. Another task. Time flies when you actually do something(anything) or when you sit and doze in the armchair....


LJ is a place for thought, record, and reflection.
FB for flaccid dangly bits!

Excuse me while I waggle what little I have on FB.
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