Mar 29, 2015 09:41
I need to stay out of customers_suck and away from FB creationists if I want to stay in equilibrium.
Its Sunday, and a little over a week back I had the brilliant idea of taking a Fri/Mon/tue off. Tue is m' ladys birthday, and inspiration for her present has not been forthcoming, yes, I have a few little items, head's full of blanks.
Must wrap and I have Loony idea of self delivery, but not knocking as I don't want to stalk...I don't see her until next month....
I have a bay window frame that needs a bit of wood replaced, Im no carpenter but I think I can make a fist of it...measured, but although the weather was clear and bright when I booked time it is, predictably, rainy rainy pissy down NOW. Nice, soggy, spongy rotten to crack at with chisels and its ONLY AN OUTSIDE WINDOW FRAME ON THE GROUND FLOOR ARRGH.
Ive bought a sash cramp (about twenty quid) in advance of my favourite (ie I patched it SOMEHOW last time) armchair needing max glue 'n' screw. Why do people make furniture thats not cheap except relatively with sodding long staples that fat bastards like me gently ease apart??
Oh Lord but the world is depressing...even listening to BBC R6 music you cop the news once in a while...apparently police cant protect us if the cant read everything and anything. The tech companies arent helping due to, as a police spokesman put it in a morass of newmanagementlotsoflettersdoublespeak having a strange peceived notion that their customers want privacy. CAN YOU HEAR ME INTERPOL?????
Too much information and access to information. Everybody (who matters; you bed blocking OAPs can shrivel and die) has access to the web and your mails/blogs/sheettweets and all....
Facebook, the intellectual equivalent of waving your dangly bits at old ladies in the park...