This should NOT be as amusing to me as it is

Jun 26, 2006 11:43

Someone over at the TWoP episode thread for 'Devil's Trap' brought up the concept of the Winchester boys - especially Dean - showing characteristics of adult children of alcoholics.

I went to the website s/he had linked and was reading the information - only to burst out laughing when I encountered a quoted passage describing the affect an alcoholic family has upon children.

Some of the parallels are so undeniable I am planning a complete post using the website's information and FAQs with strategic words replaced with more Supernatural terms.

But I wanted to share the first passage with you as soon as possible.

(NOTE: The ONLY part of this I changed or altered in any way is exchanging the word "Winchester" for the word "alcoholic," otherwise it is exactly as it appears on the website.)

"The Winchester family has been described broadly as one of chaos, inconsistency, unpredictability, unclear roles, arbitrariness, changing limits, arguments, repetitious and illogical thinking, and perhaps violence and incest."


More to come ... hopefully sooner than later.

fandom, funny, huh, supernatural, coincidence?, what would we do without the internet?, something to think about isn't it?, hee!

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