Supernatural Speculation

May 02, 2006 11:55

I had this all typed up to post some spec on the BigBad Ceiling Demon's motive and then my computer crashed and I got pulled away to other stuff. However, the next day, I found out that lj had saved the post draft! (Yeah, I know autosave exists, but it's never restored the whole thing before)

At first I wasn't going to post it again. But then Beeker made a spec post with the EXACT same theory at pretty much the exact same time as I had originally been on. So, I figured we might be on to something and if so, I want hard evidence to prove our brilliance.

Basically, pretend I posted this on Friday.

In the TWoP episode thread someone asked "WHY?"

What is this Ceiling Demon's motive?

Over the season things seemed to point that it was fixated on Sam personally. (And there is that amusing fanfic series wherein Girl Death has a crush on Sam)

Then Max shows up and it seems like maybe it's tied to the psychic thing.

And now, PapaWinchester tells us that the Demon's hunting all over the place - six-month-old babies and their families and homes destroyed. (Which still doesn't explain Jess, but one thing at a time)

But, again, we don't know WHY - and where does Meg fit into all this?

The psychic thing seems to be the key, given that comment last night about Rosie "reading minds" - what if that's the answer?

What if the Demon is taking psychicly gifted children and destroying their homes and families to cover up?

What if MEG is/was one of those children?

Maybe that's what her "there are more like me" comment meant - she and OtherDemonGuy and others like them were babies stolen by the Demon and raised as HIS children - or as demon-hosts, or whatever?

That would explain OtherDemonGuy's use of telekinetis and Meg's always seeming to be aware of where the Winchesters are.

- They all got the Shining!

(Since Friday, I've come up with a possible explanation for the Jess connection - it's over in the comments to Beeker's post.)

fandom, tv, spec, supernatural

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