*is dead*

Feb 08, 2006 21:18

Hey, remember me? I've been kind of away for awhile now - various reasons, I've been meaning to make some real posts - even some real pointless posts.

But not right now.

Right now, all I'm going to do is make a big ol' fannish flailing. Briefly.

Tonight's Veronica Mars - cut even though I'm not sure this is coherent enough to include spoilers )

fangirl-y, squee!, vmars, episode reactions, less-than-three, *flails*, flist

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carpedi7 February 9 2006, 15:45:45 UTC
I've talked to you so I wasn't worried. :) *smooooch* I didn't take it so much as that Hannah and her friends didn't know Logan, but more like they were underclassmen that had never talked to Logan because a) he's a senior and b) he's one of the "cool" crowd so that they've seen him from afar but never had him pay them any attention. I could be wrong though. I totally butt danced in my chair for this episode. Can't wait for CSI tonight.


r_a_l_i_g_h February 10 2006, 00:42:03 UTC
Oh, honey, I wasn't just butt-dancing. I squeal-screamed out loud at the tv multiple times - at least twice I rocked back and exclaimed "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Once, when it was revealed that OMIGOSH the Fitzpatricks ARE tied to EVERYTHING. and then again at the end of the episode because of all the fabulous-ness-osity it promised for the future. (and how wonderful it was)

Yeah, the thing that was nibbling at the back of my mind that the Logan-Hannah scenes were "off" somehow resolved itself with the magnificent reveal at the end. I have more thoughts on this and will try to get them all together for an actual post.

I believe I will almost certainly be around tonight. I'm home from work already, so that's a good sign.

Oh! We also must needs talk about NCIS as well!


carpedi7 February 10 2006, 00:55:29 UTC
Cool. I will try to get scott off of the computer in time. I'll be able to chat for a while, just not sure how long. I'll explain more later.


r_a_l_i_g_h February 16 2006, 16:59:07 UTC
You going to be on tonight?


carpedi7 February 16 2006, 21:42:19 UTC
I'm not sure, since it is a repeat I may be offline working on getting some stuff done. I'll let you know if I come on though. I know Scott will have the comptuer till at least 8.


r_a_l_i_g_h February 16 2006, 22:14:15 UTC
Oh is it a repeat? Then I'll probably catch up on some other stuff and go to bed early.


carpedi7 February 17 2006, 01:23:58 UTC
Yup, I'm kind of forgetting which one it is but I'm almost postive it is a repeat.


r_a_l_i_g_h February 17 2006, 16:45:44 UTC
I caught about 45 seconds - it was the one where the woman adopts the embryo and the biological grandmother murders her to get the child. You know, a happy, fluffy story.


carpedi7 February 17 2006, 16:50:11 UTC
Awww, I missed a good fluffy bedtime story. Hee. Actually I went on to check right after I wrote the response to you to make sure it really was a repeat. I just wound up watching my recording of Dancing with the Stars


r_a_l_i_g_h February 17 2006, 16:54:22 UTC
Well NOTHING could be as bad as the one last week. I never did rewatch it and I never will.

Oh, I've been meaning to tell you, I wandered into the TWoP CSI thread and they made a point that I didn't catch and only added to the "EWWW" You remember when they busted into the secret Nazi lab at the end and Catherine mentioned that the numbers on the clock were missing? Well this poster pointed out that those were probably the numbers used to brand the victims. I don't know why THAT made me additionally queasy after everything else, but it did.


carpedi7 February 17 2006, 18:27:05 UTC
Ooh, I always forget to go to the CSI thread now that they don't do the recaps. That is interesting, cringeworty, but interesting. I never rewatched it either and we erased it off of the DVR. EWWWWWWW had to throw one more in myself remembering it.


r_a_l_i_g_h February 17 2006, 18:33:15 UTC
Yeah, I totally guessed at the Nazi connection way early which meant I didn't have to go back and look for anything.

Pretty much everyone else's reaction was "EEWWWWWW" as well.

Oh! There was one comment - I think I copied it 'cause it was so funny - let me see...ah! here:

Wow, I never used to be grossed out by this show, but last night, I was so disturbed, I told my husband, "I will never get to sleep tonight." And in a case of colossally bad timing, I have to go do an overnight sleep study next week. I'll probably not sleep a wink and be diagnosed an insomniac (not my problem) or they'll ask me why I sleep with my hands clamped over my eyes.

HEE! Poor girl!


carpedi7 February 17 2006, 18:35:20 UTC
Awww. Well, she should just tell them to go and see that episode and realize why she is so upset.


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