Today's Consumption (Day 1 of 3)

Sep 27, 2005 21:01

1st Day Breakfast -
1 cup decalf green tea, plain (2 cal)
1 slice toast (70 cal)
1 tablespoon peanut butter (125 cal)

1st Day Lunch -
1/2 cup tuna (200-ish cal)
5 triscuits (50 cal)
1/2 grapefruit (35 cal)

1st Day Dinner -
3 oz grilled hamburger meat(200-ish cal)
1 cup broccoli (40 cal)
1 cup beets (50 cal)
1 cup decalf herb tea, plain (2 cal)

Now that only totals about 775, while the original plan had right at 1000. So I'm going to let myself have a small orange and a 90-cal granola bar when I get back from the gym. That should boost the toal to about 930.

I subsituted some things from other days (broccoli instead of green beans) 'cause I didn't have them available.

My main variations from the list were matters of healthy diet. I didn't want to eat ice cream, even if 1/2 is allowed with dinner. That's just tempting my sweet tooth. Oh, and breakfast was supposed to be two full tablespoons of peanut butter. There is no way I'm allowing THAT many calories to peanut butter unless it comes with chocolate and is called "Reese's."

Off to the gym. But I won't be weighing myself until this is all over on Thursday night.

challenge, daily intake, 3-day

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