Oh, Supernatural, why you got to do that to me?

Feb 01, 2008 09:19

I was originally going to be gone last night, but my plans were canceled due to the freezing rain and snow. So, I settle down to watch Supernatural for the first time in about a million years. And what am I confronted with?

The *shudder* teeth thing.

You have to understand, one of my biggest - completely secret!! - irrational night terrors for YEARS has been having my teeth fall out.

It's one of those "We Do Not Speak Of It" kind of irrational dream-phobias.

In fact, my mom and I only found out a few years ago that we have the same horrible dreams, because neither of us talked about it.

The most horrific part is that it never, EVER feels like a dream. You always feel like this time it's really happening.

And, it always starts out EXACTLY. THAT. WAY.

I feel like a tooth is sorta wiggly or there's something stuck and as I touch it, it feels loose and then ... suddenly it just FALLS RIGHT OUT INTO MY HAND!!!

And while I'm reeling from the horror of that I notice another one kinda shifting AND THEN THEY'RE ALL FALLING OUT!! SLIDING RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH, ROOTS AND ALL!!! AND THERE'S NOTHING I CAN DO!!

I clench my jaw to try to control it and when or if I try to let someone know or cry for help MY TEETH START TUMBLING OUT LIKE PIANO KEYS!!!

If this sounds suspiciously familiar to something you saw recently on the CW - THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS. LIKE, THANKS SO MUCH, SUPERNATURAL!!!

(Interestingly enough, in my dreams there's almost never any blood. In some ways I think that's even more horrific than the alternative. I mean, at least with the blood, someone's likely to realize that something's gone wrong. This way, you sit there mutely and have to suffer the terror without being able to communicate what's happening to you and other people are going about their business RIGHT there in front of you while ALL YOUR TEETH ARE FALLING OUT!!!)

Seriously, it was traumatizing. I had to turn off the television, and could only watch bits and pieces of the rest of the episode. (And of course, after I braved turning it back on, there was the maggot thing. Not just maggots, but SPONTANEOUSLY GENERATING MAGGOTS!!! We will not go into what late-night dreams THAT touches on.)


Somebody give me happy, fluffy thoughts to ponder on.

dreams, tv, oh no you didn't!, supernatural

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