Heroes 3:3 - Briefly because my brain is mush.

Oct 08, 2007 22:36

I really am planning on coming back and making some actual posts at some point in the (hopefully near) future.

But for now, one thought on tonight's episode of Heroes...Anyone want to take a bet on how long before the first Sylar/Geisha // Sylar/Twins // Sylar/Sylar fanfic is going to appear? 'Cause you know it's coming.

Okay, I lied, ONE more thought ... and it's related to something from Avatar so, double spoiler warning, I guess? So when I rewatched the episode, (which I did fastforwarding through this week's boring storylines, i.e., the twins, Claire and Crosseyed- Beakfaced-Stalker-Boy, DL-is-dead-but-didn't-kick-the-bucket-for-at-least-60-days-after-being-shot,) I happened to pause on a fullscreen view of the box - and, y'all, there are EYEBALLS carved all the way around the edges of that thing!

Naturally, I assume this relates to "The Nightmare Man" He of the glowing eyes AND the Symbol. (I should tell you I totally suspect something is up with the Oirish Pub Gang.)

But my FIRST thought? Seeing as how I watched The Headband and The Painted Lady in the last 24 hours? Was of that freaky eyeball tattoo on the asassain guy at the end of the episode (of Avatar).

For a second there I was totally, irrationally excited, all "Those are EYEBALLS! Wait! Eyeballs! Where did I recently see an eyeball? Oh! The Eyeball tattoo! That scary guy! IT'S ALL RELATED!"

And then I slapped myself back to reality of not only are these shows completely fiction ...THEY'RE NOT EVEN THE SAME SHOW!!

(Irish Pub Gang knows more than they're letting on though, I'm just telling you.)

ETA: Final final thought. Because if I'm going to type this much about tonight's episode, I can't NOT say it: Y'all better keep your hands off Mr. Bennett, you hear me?


avatar, my tv, heroes, tv, my shows, episode reactions, *flails*

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