Nearly a week later …

Jul 25, 2007 14:40

If I would quit DOING so many things, I’d have more time to write about them, you know?

* * * *

I’m trying to avoid duplicating the same information in every other post, so just assume that life is still insane, in the best kind of a way, until stated otherwise.

Outside of work and all that busy-ness? Well, I started exercising again this weekend.

Pain in the rear.

Quite literally. Went bike riding - something I haven’t done but maybe twice in the last eight or nine years - couple days in a row, and my posterior was not pleased with the available seating.

But at least I got back at it again. Now, to keep at it. (which reminds me - need to make sure I walk or bike ride or something today/tonight)

* * * *

I’m reading a lot, too. Well, not so much in this last week, due to everything else taking up so much time, but in general. Various things for work, study, personal growth and education, Bible study, even a little bit of pleasure reading. Going along with the whole “too-busy-to-write-about-it” element of life - I decided a couple of weeks ago that I need to start reading with a highlighter.

I love books so much - not just the stories and content, but the actual physical shape and object of the book and pages itself, - that I’ve always been loath to make any sort of markings whatsoever. Felt like defacing, vandalism, some how.

But I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that I CAN’T read it all, and if I want to up my input, I’m going to have to do something to help me retain the increased information better - and, to be able to return to and locate specific passages and content in the future efficiently.

I’ve been journaling about my reading off and on for some time, but, like I said, too-busy-doing-to-write-about-it. So, I’m teaching myself to highlight. And occasionally even footnotes and notations/comments in the margins. (I’m having to work up to that somewhat.)

Actually, I think this could be a very good thing. I’m even kind of excited about the possibilities it opens up. For certain volumes (those worthy of being “chewed and digested” as Francis Bacon put it) that I will return to time and time again, I can even use a different color highlighter/pen on repeated readings. And over the years, those markings may come to reflect my changing interests/concerns/focuses/thoughts - what things spoke to me in what way at different points in my life.

What methods do you use for reading/studying/journaling?

my life, reading, my schedule, insane!!!, books, part of my journey

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