Working for the Weekend

Jul 20, 2007 17:46

Ugh. It has been SO hard to remember that it is NOT the weekend. All day today. Kept thinking it was Saturday.

Multiple reasons for this: 1- last night’s meeting really was the end of the extremely full and busy week we’ve had 2- because of this, we SLEPT IN to catch up on sleep (Let’s hear it for 7-8 hours in a single night!) 3- we then had a late breakfast (more of a brunch really) of pancakes where we all sat around and talked 4- yes, I’ve been working, but I typically work on Saturdays - some Sundays, too, for that matter.

Brief recap of Thursday to complete the set:

Slept through my alarm and woke late. Thursday is one of the days I work part-time for these two
ladies with a home business, so I left for that. Had to let myself in through the garage so I figured she’d had an early meeting or was running errands. Nope. She came in from the back of the house about 45 minutes later. Had been out late and forgotten that it was Thursday and I would be coming over so slept in with her little ones.

Home again around 3:30. Worked some and then realized when I went to look for them that I’d never typed up the minutes from the LAST board meeting. Which were due at the next one in about 2 hours. So remedied that. Also updated calendar, gathered projected budget, edited agenda, and made sure I had notes and information to report on this week’s PREVIOUS meetings as well. Also ate a peach. (One of our giant co-op ones. It was glorious!) Washed and fixed my hair and changed for the meeting. Made sure we had everything printed out and enough copies. Left a little early since Momma was starving from forgetting to eat all day. (She got a panini at Panara)

Meeting was very good and the shortest of the week. (Also very good) Our primary assignment for the next two weeks is to work on drafting a business/marketing plan for the ministry. The idea of this kinda freaks Momma out, but it’s something of a flashback to my senior semester for me. I think it’ll be fun for us to do. And also very productive and useful. Also, I use the word “also” too much.

We were both a trifle giddy over having this week’s requirements come to an end. As it was Thursday aka “Free Movie Night” at our local video store, we stopped and both picked out something.

It is incredibly hard to pick out a movie with my mother. She doesn’t like: horror, gore, language, excessive violence, sexual conduct, occult, slapstick, shock comedy, body humor, and so far I’m in agreement, but then she ALSO doesn’t like westerns, musicals, detective stories, or science fiction.

This… tends to make the selection rather limited.

Further complicating things are her own personal ideas of what makes a worthwhile movie.

For instance? She simply cannot understand why I enjoy the Ocean’s movies so much. (Or why on earth someone would make THREE of them) I mean, she gets Clooney, and Pitt (though to a lesser degree, I think. At least, that’s the only reason I can think of for why she uses the phrase “he looks like Brad Pitt” to describe everyone from Colin Farrell to Ben Aflack) and she has a very soft spot for “Bourne” as she calls Matt Damon. But it’s a maternal thing. (Probably because my elder cousin on her side of the family looks uncannily like him. With blonder hair and a squarer jawline. Seriously.)

I tried to explain it’s a ‘Popcorn’ movie - “Momma, it’s pretty people doing fun things with witty banter. What’s NOT to like?”

But then again, the movies SHE watches over and over again tend to be the serious, think-about-it, says-something-about-life, dramas. Historicals and war movies, mostly. (And you’d be surprised at some of her favorite movies ‘cause they have a lot of violence - but you see, our family reserves the right to edit any film into the version WE most prefer. Meaning - she fastforwards through the battle scenes.)

I can’t do that. I like to sit down to something I know will be entertaining - which typically means it DOESN’T “mean” something. I have to be in the right mood for that sort of thing.

Anyway, last night I recommended Unbreakable which she hadn’t seen yet (She doesn’t like sci-fi, but she DOES tend to like movies by “Sham...alamalamalama?” [She can’t ever remember his name either] - at least for one viewing, even if she’s somewhat disappointed in them overall [Gotta say, I agree with her there, too])

Then I saw Absence of Malice, which I haven’t seen. (Paul Newman has always been her ideal “type” …after my father. - She kind of took it as a personal offence when she found out that everyone ELSE also loves Paul Newman.) She couldn’t recall the movie, (a trait which is generally beneficial, as every number of years she can rewatch movies and enjoy them fresh all over again!) but “Let me guess, he’s a cynical ex-convict/attorney/cowboy/etc with a problem with alcoholism who’s in trouble with the and she (Sally Field) is a driven attorney or something who helps him” (the case says “reporter” but we’ll see)

Tonight she’s going out to dinner with a friend, my sisters are both gone, and my brother has a friend over. I’m going to make them dinner (spaghetti) and work some more and then relax.

What are your plans?

dear diary..., my life, tgif, day in the life, insane!!!, stories, movies, my family, i love weekends

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