A Close Encounter of the Spirit Kind... ?

Jun 21, 2009 21:55

Last night, Mags 'n i stayed up ridiculously late discussing Life, times, our relationship, the past, present and future... all the good things which we really needed to get out and spend time with... got oh, three hours sleep. Then, went out on her back porch to get some early morning fresh air.

Suddenly, a hummingbird zipped by and stopped literally two feet from our heads. And hovered there. We looked at it, looked at each other, looked back at the hummingbird... After this rather long moment, it zipped off again to points unknown.

Maggie commented that she's been in this house for a number of years now, and has *never* seen a hummingbird in her yard, nor heard from any of her neighbors that one had been sighted. EVER.

Striking her as somewhat a 'strange' event, she asked me what i thought this meant? I politely declined to answer this question, instead suggesting to her that she ask some of you folks who she knows and whose opinion she trusts... You have your own intuitive ideas as to what this might mean... i'm a bit biased in my interpretations. ;)

This afternoon, she drove out to Kerrville to pick up her ex-Mother-in-law; she's 'kid-free' thru next Sunday, and thought it'd be a good time to get some "Mom-time" in. Apparently Marsha still loves Maggie; her son screwing things up with Mags shouldn't mean she has to lose her 'extra' daughter...

About an hour outside of Austin, Mags calls me and shares that while she's made this drive several times fairly recently, there's a landmark which has just jumped out at her which she'd never noticed before... "The Hummingbird Farm." While not even sure what this place even is, she's thinking there might be a Message here.

(I like to think of stuff like this as "Cosmic Easter Eggs" - clues from the Universe that you can spot if you stay open to them. Runs alongside my personal belief that there's no such thing as 'coincidence'.)

She's only pulled a card once from my Power Animal Oracle Cards deck and she pulled the Hummingbird. Surprise, surprise...

I told her that it appears that they've got her surrounded...
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