Star Trek

Jun 19, 2009 17:53

I was a Star Wars kid growing up... the Star Trek teevee show was a joke. The commercials for the Star Trek movies looked silly... and my parents weren't "Trekkies" so i never saw the early movies. Then i instilled the lifetime ban on William Shatner... and as a result, i have not seen any of the original Star Trek films. I'm told episode II, Wrath of Khan, is "the best." Aaaanywayz- i was pretty dedicated to Next Generation back in the college days, when they had the all-star line-up on FOX: Simpsons, King of the Hill, X-Files and Next Generation. We'd have potluck Sundays and it was the only day of the week i watched television. Socials always make things better! Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5, i have never seen a single episode of.

So i ended up at the theater yesterday and watched the "new" Star Trek movie at the Alamo Lake Creek. And i'm happy to say that i was fully entertained. Not taking it very seriously helped. Getting "back-stories" on all the characters (i'd seen the ancient tv show a few times in the '70s) was fun. And clearly, this is a special-effects space-farce. So why be annoyed, when you can instead be amused? ;)

For those of you who would ponder these things, i ask you:

If Vulcans are so damn logical and freakin' frakkin' geniuses... why didn't they just sever the drill ??? Hmm? Wouldn't that have been the logical thing to do? They even had a few DAYS to think about what to do... and came up with "We'll stand around in a circle, holding hands!" (Spock was able to sever the same drill with a couple shots from a small vehicle made by Vulcans later in the film. Huh?!)

With the entire planet Earth to consider, why do you suppose the Romulans decided to drop their drill within eyesight of the Federation HQ ? Locating this HQ in San Francisco was a nice touch... i never get tired of seeing the Golden Gate Bridge in films.

If a single drop of "red matter" can create a black hole so powerful it can consume an entire planet in mere minutes... how can a black hole created by 1000+ drops not have consumed the Enterprise? Really?! Ya had to go there... i'm thinking that "they" sat around, wondering, "How are we gonna' work Scotty's trademark line in? We've already gone over two hours! Think, people... THINK!" and that's what they came up with. Paper-thin vehicle to deliver a classic quote. I gotta' say, i like their style. ;)

AND! Somehow i never registered the fact that HAROLD (John Cho) is the new Sulu! Holy Crap, people! This is the greatest development yet... i am totally onboard supporting this "young" cast of Enterprise crew. 'specially now that Harold is playing... Harold. Totally makes it! I won't even get into the Spock/Uhuru romance.

Lucas jumping twelve sharks and driving his awesome legacy into the ground was the best thing that could ever have happened, ahead of this re-writing of Star Trek history. Now, i am happy to hop onboard the Star Trek wagon. Not to mention, Kirk ended up on HOTH at one point. Suuuurely there'll be some more cross-over in the future, at least in the form of alien races. THAT would be cool...

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