Mar 22, 2007 13:41
I'm at work, so hungry, waiting for Kris to come meet me for lunch.
I have a two hour lunch break today! Then when I come back my boss and I are going out to drinks at this government office to socialise and then we're coming back to set up for a press conference tonight.
So basically my whole afternoon will consist of getting progressively drunker until it's time to go home.
Megan has been in town all week. It's been a little strange having her here, although it's not really her fault. I've just changed a lot in the last two months. I've grown up a lot and it's hard to face things from my past. I would much rather ignore any feelings that I may have still lingering from there, but with her I have to face them and deal with them and talk about them. It's hard, but in the end I think I'm feeling better. Maybe it is better to confont the emotions that I have and deal with them accordingly. Moving on from a long relationship is harder than I thought it would be. I'm trying not to let it fuck up my current relationship, but that's proving to be hard too. I'm just this mixed-bag of emotions and I don't know which way and how I should be feeling.
Every day, I like Kris more and more (such a girly thing to say, I know). It's just so much different than anything before. It's romantic and just everything I thought a relationship like this would be. It's just too perfect, and I feel like he's too perfect. But maybe that's a good thing. Yeah, I think it is. =)
I don't think I'm leaving here for a very long time. And I couldn't be happier about that.
I just miss my Mom. But the list pretty much ends there.