May 14, 2005 14:05
oh yes, i'm back...unfortunately i know. so i have a new apartment with my friend amanda palmer and her aunt janet, which is freakin amazing. it's two bedroom and one bath and it's two story. most of my stuff is over there already and we've been there for three weeks now. it's off chrysler and prescott and it's hecka tight. my parents have been asking me to move back in but i'm not sure if i want to, i know that if this apartment thing doesn't work out then i will, but for now i'm having a great time living on my own. and i got a new job, it's at JcPenney's, i start tuesday, oh yes!!! i got my hair cut a little while ago, it's hella cute, i have never been so satisfied with a hair cut before in my life. we get the internet at our apartment next week, so eXcited. um what has been great for a while now, even when i got kicked out it was still good 'cause even after that my parents and i were still really close. i have lost a few friends, not naming any names, but you know's cool because if they want to judge me on my past then i don't want them as a friend anyways. but then again if that person ever needed anything all they would have to do is call and i would drop everything for them, because i will always care and that person will always be in my thoughts and prayers. i've gotten close with the Lord, which isn't anything new 'cause i've been close with Him for a while now and He has helped me firgure things out so many times. right now i'm at my parent's house in my old room just typing away and chilling with my kitty. my sister leaves for oakland to work on monday and i'm going to miss her soo much. my brother doesn't live here anymore, he got kicked out as well, but for way different reasons of course. i wish that i could become friends with that person again because everyday i am reminded of that person, and sometimes it's kind of jk. but to that person, i understand why you would have wanted to stop being my friend and i hope that someday you will realize how i have changed and that we can be friends again. you are in my prayers and i know that you know how much i care. God Bless you and your family and friends, and anyways, but you know the only thing that hasn't changed about me is that i'm still a huge dork and i love making people laugh and i love life. i'm so happy with everything right now and i know that the future is going to be freaking awesome!! well i'm going to go talk to people online now. peace out bitches.
from one bitch to another, Kim