Dec 28, 2006 23:26
oh god well ive been very confused with these boys lately i dont know what to do. i have like three on my mind and one is very iffy to if he will stay on my mind for long. it was just a fuck. and now i probably have herpes or something. these two other boys...hmm one is a no but i can still look and be excited when i talk to him, and the other one has been a question mark for months and months and i love him to death. he makes me feel beautiful. i want him to be more than just a friend because i can totally see that. but what the fuck are with these mind games? i think if i sat down to tell you the whole story between me and this man it would take me about a whole day to explain this and to ask you on your opinion. ugh i think i basically just need the perfect guy for me who cares and shows it. HELLO BRING ME THIS PERFECT LEETOLE MAN FOR ME, BECAUSE IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD HAS ONE EXCEPT ME. FUCK YOU.