"Can we have one last 'gather round'?" And with those words, Tim Gunn's role becomes ever so apparent. He is never a judge, impartial as the sky is blue...and always a fa...er...motherly figure mentoring the contestants and watching them grow.
Many have complained that this season is a bit boring compared to past ones. I think people are mistaken.
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and make it they did.
but i have to say, the three of these finalists (even chris) produced some of the best designs and most creative fashion pieces of any other season.
(although, my favorite collection is still season one's jay...loved the colors!!)
i was so so so happy that christian won. his cigarette pants were so effortlessly tailored. and his overly dramatic hats were SOOOOOOOO cool.
...and i think tim gunn connected with these contestants more than any of the others, which definitly made it bittersweet when it was all over with.
i did NOT care for rami's collection. i don't know why. too...constucted? too...old????
unlike jillian's which was young and fresh (at least SOME of it was). i think she should have done a whole collection of knitwear...that would have been amazing. the best piece she sent down the runway was that black and white sweater with the shag half sleeves. LOVED that.
i enjoyed seeing christian's softer side, and him almost loosing his composure during final judging made me so nervous and go "yay yay yay!" when he won.
i just wish it hadn't been so predictable. even when christian was put up for the vote during the regular season, i knew he wasn't going home...
i think at the end i was more satisfied with this season. but during the beginning and middle of the season i kept thinking "ho-hum"
definitly looking forward to christian's bluefly line...
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