Nov 19, 2004 10:44
Been another good while. My bad.
Anyways, not a whole lot to post about... just all the really neat stuff I've found lately I guess... let's see...
Novel time! =P
For starters, RED VS BLUE!! I was at Gamestop the other day and bought the first 2 seasons on DVD ^_^ Oh man, I remember seeing the first couple of episodes back when they first came out online, but I never imagined they would turn out so ridiculously well done. The humor is top notch, the storyline is great, and I've seen the 1st season a good 3 times now and it still hasn't gotten old... I need to watch the 2nd season when i get home!
What else... I also stumbled upon quite a few badass games (these are all computer games mind you cause PC games rock). First one I tried was Vampire the Masquerade:Bloodlines. It's an RPG that follows the tabletop RPG formula, sorta like Dungeons and Dragons, except this is actually fun to play. The graphics are awesome, the storylines are great, plenty of violence and cussing and all that good stuff. Pretty entertaining ^_^
Then there's Medal of Honor:Pacific Assault. This game is it's been a while since a game made me forget that I was actually playing a game. Haven't gotten too far, but the first stage you play through is the re-enactment of Pearl Harbor and it has got to be one of the most action packed and best looking sequences I have yet too see in a game (Half Life 2 MIGHT change that, we'll see). First rate stuff, can't wait to see how the rest plays out.
I also got Need for Speed: Underground 2. Me, Jason, Gonzo, and Vicky were pretty big fans of the first NFSU, and we even played online once or twice. This one looks a billion times better, with more cars, more tracks, more customizable parts, an open ended city so you can race anywhere you want... whooo, fun times whenever I get to this... if ever XD
And yeah... hopefully I'll get to pick up Half-Life 2 later today. Freaking game... after 5 years the POS finally decided to come out. Can't wait to play it though, it looks like tons of fun, especially with the gravity gun... Imagine picking up a saw blade with it and then shooting it an enemys midsection making a clean cut and instantaneous death while its there. Then you pick up that enemy's dead body and launch it at the other enemys coming up the stairs and send them all falling back down, then you throw a grenade at them as they're trying to get back up just for wasting some of your precious time. Hell, you could skip all that and just launch the enemies corpse out the window just to watch the bastard hit the concrete. DOESN'T THAT SOUND LIKE FUN!? And thats just one sequence with just one gun!... AHHH Good times ^_^
Let's not forget Halo 2. Oh man, going over to Jason's then getting on Live just to kick peoples asses turned out to be a lot more fun that I thought it was gonna be, especially now that I'm pretty much tied with the best in our crew... black and cacaofdo0m are our best all around and I can tie with them... Hagasnagas is our best sniper and even when we both have snipers I can take him out every other time (maybe it's just luck?)... and I'm just about as good as El Guapo when it comes to vehicles. As long as I can contribute to the team... Needless to say, I'm not that great when it comes to free for alls amongst ourselves, but when we're on Live I don't mind going completely apeshit on strangers. Hopefully we have some badass matches over the weekend. It's all about Rock Lee baby ^_^
Oh yeah... I FINALLY FIXED VICKYS COMPUTER!!! Man... I owed it to her, it took me long enough. But yeah it's 100% operational and better than ever now that it's got my old 9800 Pro in there. Glad to be of service Vickz! Now I just gotta fix Gonzo's and El Guapo's computers... shouldn't be too bad...
*sigh* Yeah... Weekend should be fun... I wonna see The Incredibles again! Such a badass movie! ^_^ and umm... i wonna order pizza! and go see my dogs at my grandmas house! and wake up at 1 in the afternoon! and have a big ass cook out/sleep over at my dads house! OH YEAH!!! I forgot all about that... hmm... I must make some calls...
I'm glad I went to see my 4th grade teacher... she kicks so much ass... It was great, making someone's day like that (she, of course, made my day as well)... and all I did was show up! I guess that was all I needed to wake up a little ^_^