It's my choice

Dec 23, 2011 19:35

It's my choice
Bruce, a pal from my distant childhood sparked this blog entry when he posted on FB,

"A 40 year friendship is nothing to sneeze at."

So I'm off on that Funny Sayings mindset again.  How did this odd saying come into existence?  The wording of the phrase is weird, too, in that we only use it in the negative, never SOMEthing to sneeze at.  And the wording implies WORTH.  Just what IS something "worth" sneezing at?  No one ever told me the merit system for this !  All this time I could have been going about, sneezing willy nilly at things that just don't rate, getting my sinuses in a tizzy over inconsequentials.  Does all this sternutation make me a drama queen?

Aren't we sick of people imposing their rules and values on us at every turn ?  Where are our rights?  We have to stick up for ourselves sometime.  So to Bruce, I say, "Forget that.  I'm a grown woman, and you can't tell me what to do."

"Ah Choose  to  sneeze  now !"


What I learned today:

short, funny, observation & wondering, internet finds, odd sayings, 30 seconds of optimism, what i learned today, sarcasm

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