Survey - Alphabet Survey

May 07, 2011 02:52

Alphabet Survey

A - Age you got your first kiss:  Freshman year.  Same year as I made my first friend.   Not the same person though, right, Sharon?
B - Band listening to right now:   None.   I never listen to “bands”.   Recently have discovered Josh Groban and little Jackie Evancho - two singers I can stand to listen to, and with great relish.
C - Crush:  I prefer Pepsi, thank you.   Oh, you meant a fuzzy feeling for a person?   Now that you mention it, I did experience that recently, at least in fantasy.  Amazed myself at how silly I could become, and at my age.   Chagrined that I haven't progressed as far along the trail of wisdom and sense as I thought.   It was a fun emotional experience, one I've never had before, I believe.  --  But I think I still prefer Pepsi.
D - Dad's name:  Delmer (poor thing, no wonder he was shy and quiet, and didn't like the limelight)
E - Easiest person to talk to:  Someone who's not there.  (Or to answer for real...) My son, Petey. I can tell him anything, almost.  And I suspect in a few more years I can tell anything left.  That's pretty rare between parent and child.
F - Favorite band at the moment:  The Beach Boys.   A dear friend pointed out that my musical education was incomplete without them.  He was very right.
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?:  EW !  Doesn't the name just state the problem?  GUMMY !   And worms?   Yeah, that's likely to improve the culinary experience.
H - Hometown:  New Bedford.   Once the whaling capitol of the world, and immortalized in the literary classic “Moby Dick”.  (And I was a South Ender - the deep south end, by the beaches. It's a whole different city down there.)
I - Instruments:
     1. Voice (1st Soprano, previously misjudged an Alto, and now heading straight for a Snorer instead) 
     2. Clarinet
     3. Tenor sax (Yuck.  Learned by force for marching band.)
     4. Folk guitar (Because you can't sing with a clarinet in your mouth.)
     5. Classical guitar (to a point, but never getting past that) 
     6. the Recorder (To most people, this is not a real instrument, just something their second grader annoys them with, but to a Renaissance gal, it can be a real instrument. However, to a clarinetist, it's something that can only be played with your mouth half open, since it takes so much less air, I had to let it escape somewhere. Whodathunk good breath support could backfire?) 
     7. Handbells 
     8. A little Crumhorn (Uh...what? Trust me, "a little” is all you want.)
     9. of torture.  (One example might me more than a little Crumhorn.)
J - Junior High:  A hellish place (where weeping and gnashing of teeth is often heard) that Hitler and Bin Laden should be forever consigned to, along with anyone who picks up their children by the throat until their eyes bug out.
K - Kids:  Two. Or 1.9 and and 0.1, if you go by how much work they were for many years. Both are my finest accomplishments, my masterpieces.  My symphonies - my sons !   (Seems worth the 87 hours of labor now.  Almost.)
L - Longest car ride ever:   Does a three-day move from Massachusetts to Michigan (14 hours if non-stop) with a two-year-old with a broken leg, and a 4-month-old baby who never used a bottle or a pacifier count? Should we toss in the crabby and very uncommunicative engineer stereotype who was the driver?
M - Mom's name:  Betty
N - Nicknames:   None that those years of therapy, shock treatments and the lobotomy have allowed me to remember.    Thankfully.
O - One wish:  Can't see how this can possibly happen..... That when I die, the Lord will be able to say to me, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
P - Phobia:  Spiders.  Anything with more than 4 legs, and the more, the worse-erer. ( I'm also pretty afraid of power.   Give me a person when they are 80-95, or really sick.   When they are no longer a CEO, or in a suit and tie - the modern day suit of armor. Give them to me when they are human, and raw.  I can work with that.  I can do miracles then.   But power creeps me out, and is far more dangerous than eight legs and poisonous fangs.)
Q - Quote:  “Anything that doesn't purr is a waste of fur!” - original quote by Glynis
R - Reason to smile:   My kids seem to be turning out OK.  Despite...............
S - Song you sang last:   I think it was “Pie Jesu”. I recently learned this (Latin) from listening to Jackie Evancho. Song I last mastered:  “Du Doof” by the Wise Guys ( - Title translates to "You Stupid", and whose grammatical error is purposeful: a humorous German song that took me nearly two months of work to get the German down!  Days just to get it into my mind, weeks to get it into my mouth, more weeks to keep it IN my mouth and not all over the laptop screen.  If you don't know what I mean, then you've never tried clearly enunciating German consonants at a rapid speed, and tried not to drown at the same time.  I worked harder on this than any song in college as a voice major.   They should have given this one as our final exam for “Diction for the Singer” - a music course hilariously taught by a Korean with a terrible accent.  You should really watch that YouTube clip.  The accompanying pictures are quite intriguing and really leave an English speaker wondering HOW they can all fit together into one song.
T - Time you woke up [today]:  You do NOT want to know.  No good can befall you from such knowledge. Time I woke up [tomorrow]:  Still a mystery, but I'm still sure no good can befall you from knowing it then either.
U - Unknown fact about me:  You DO want to know.  No good can befall ME from sharing such knowledge.   (How about a weird fact then?  I LOVE the smell of gasoline.)
V - Vegetable you hate:  Brussels Sprouts.   Particularly over-cooked, the way all Brits are rumored to make them.   Particularly in groups of three sprouts.   You only have two cheeks to stuff them in, when you ask to be excused from the table, to spit them into the toidy.  There is still that one left when you get back.
W - Worst habit:  Not sure if it constitutes a “habit” per se, but one of my (many) worst flaws is a total allergy to perseverance.
X - X-rays you've had:  Some survey questions are just inane.   But hey, in this case, could YOU come up with any really interesting personal query that starts with an “X”?   Best Xylophone tunes you've played?   Favorite isotope of Xenon?
Y - Yummy food:  Strawberries. Shrimp. Not together. (Also pretty much anything that someone else prepares.   Reasons?  They probably don't turn every meal into charcoal like I do, and I won't have to do the dishes, presumably.)
Z - Zodiac sign:  I refuse to participate in this.

survey, long, funny, engineer, james, petey, clarinet, youtube gems, past, musical assignment of the day, college, kids, thoughts, massachusetts, religion, friend/friendship, guitar, character, internet finds, mother/father, maternity, sarcasm, parenting, food/cooking, music

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