Aug 05, 2004 03:14
Dear TeenHealthFX,
I’m a 17-year-old male and I first started smoking pot with my friends about 8 months ago. I would get high about 3 times a day. I spent well over $1,000 on it. I would just do it because it made me feel good and it was fun to do. Well about 2 months ago my friend and me went out driving and we were smoking weed. And we got pulled over by the police. I was scared because I never been in trouble with the law before and I didn’t know what was going to happen to me. Well when the cop came to the car he smelled marijuana and my friend and I got placed in the cop car. We got taken down to the police station for questioning and everything. I wasn’t high at the time because we just sparked it. So I knew what was going on. After that they called our parents and told them that we were under arrest for possession marijuana. The cops then took us down to Juvenile Justice Center. I cried every day I was there and I only got to talk and to see my family 1 time a week. I was locked up for 1 month and now I have to go to court and get random drug test. I’m on probation for about a year.
I’m telling this so other kids don’t go down the same road I went down. Smoking weed isn’t worth it! Yes, I agree it is hard to quit but you have to do it if you want to be someone in life! Because if you don’t quit most likely your going to get caught and when your behind bars. You're a nobody and you don’t have a life at all! Trust me I’ve been there and done that. In a way I'm glad I got arrested because it really woke me up. And I learned my lesson. I'm going to stay away from drugs.
I’m not trying to say if you smoke weed you’re a bad person. I’m just trying to tell you that you can still have fun by not smoking weed. Just think about what I said.
Signed: I Am Glad I Got Arrested