It sucks when you try so hard on something to get a desired outcome and it does no good whatsoever. Take for instance exams in college. Your required to take these classes for your major so you try to do the best you can cause you want to succeed. you study for atleast a week in advance so that you can pull out a grade that you are satisfied with,
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ps-- you're teeth are friggin perfect! Sheesh, ms. hi-i-look-like-i-whiten-my-teeth-like-a-superstar-but-i-don't-so-ha! :)
ps-- my mom is a dental hygenist so that could have something to do with my teeth!! Im almost 20 years old and ive never had a cavity OR braces!! Pretty sweet i guess! :D
WOW! That factual stat is incredibly impressive!! Now I got a very high standard to live up to. Think your mom can work on my teeth? :)
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