Inspired with much to do

Mar 17, 2011 20:47

recently I have been inspired - to make stitching kits. While Cross stitch would be almost the easiest to do this with, I am not yet stuck on it - in fact I haven't even done any designs as such yet either.
But I am inspired.

Sadly and yet fortunately I have a lot to do before I can apply myself to this idea. Which means that sadly I cant just do it, and fortunate because things can often get better in my head before coming out.

Much to do includes this weekend - which firstly means coming up with a sweet & a sour plate to take to the Embroiderers Guild meet day on saturday. So I am going to make sandwiches on Friday night & am thinking of lolly cake as well. then I plan to be at this event by 9am - doable. There are also duties to attend to while here.
Then Sat Afternoon means coming home by 2pm & being ready to go to a wedding by 2:30pm. And i still have the gift to wrap.

Oh and in the meanwhile I have some PA type stuff which involves making up an email & updating a website or two. Then Sunday I go into town to finish PA duties. Oh and collect my daughter again.

There are parts I am looking forward to: Sat from 11-1pm, then 3pm - 9ish.
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