Feb 23, 2011 20:54
seeing all the footage, reading all the posts, seeing the online updates just fills me with so many different emotions.
I first saw the notification that there was a 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch, just after it happened & tried to check a couple of other sites before finally seeing a confirmed pic. I knew communication would be down, but sent out a few texts anyway - hoping, but not really thinking it would be too bad.
Seeing that first picture of the cathedral having lost it's tower, was stunning. One of my first thoughts was - I was walking past there on Friday! 4 days earlier!! Now I worried.
Then I checked Facebook, & relieved that so many people were checking in, letting people know they were ok, letting people know that other's were ok.
Trying to continue to work, was hard. I had to shut my internet off, try not to talk to the people (customers) who I knew had loved ones in Chch, wanting to let them know I was thinking of them, not really knowing the situation.
Patiently I waited for my texts to be returned, not too worried as I knew communications would be down, and a text to me would not be the highest on everyones list.
Once home, I turned on the tv & the horror unfolded further before me... I was walking down that street last week, had my lunch & read a book opposite that concertina'd building! People were dead, confirmed.
Horrible to hope that they would be other people's friends & family and not mine.
Footage going on and on for hours, into the night. I confirmed most of my friends & family were ok & finally bed - exhausted from the worry.
Today, still so surreal.
Thanks to all the aid, thanks to the people opening their homes to strangers, giving what they can. Amazing thanks to those rescuers who helped in any way, to remove rubble, people & rescued all they could & can.
To those Cantabs who have had enough & just want to get out - go, keep your sanity, do what you have to do. It's ok, you've gone through a lot, there appears to be little left. If you have to start again, why not somewhere where the ground is more stable?
For those who stay - wow! good on you, your city is not just about buildings and with strength like yours as it's foundation it will grow again.
To all those who are still waiting - our hope is with you.
To those who know their loved one has died - we share the sorrow.
Bricks & mortar show a city, it's the people who make it one.