
Sep 05, 2010 21:49

I'm sure that some things have gone on that others will be interested in...

work: went to conference & got second in account acquisition & 7th in overall sales person. these were national awards so I feel pretty pleased with myself, just need to keep it up. At the moment though I need to refocus myself I think I've been cruising a little, although we have been consistently busy.

Family: Sam is now 9! arg! she had a good birthday & now i have her to myself every second weekend we really enjoy that. No one else seems to come to our board game afternoons, but we have fun playing a few.

Personal: nothing really, now I really only get every second Sunday free, so it really doesn't leave any time for a personal life. But really I dont mind as I'm not too sure how I would ever co-habitat with anyone & most of the time I actually want a man around it is mostly for financial & lawn mowing contributions. Other than that I have my friends.

Financial: this can always be better, but i think they are getting better, slowly.

Yesterday, Chch was hit by a big earthquake & shallow. A lot of buildings have been damaged & they are having water troubles, but people are mostly fine. I only moved away from there 4 years ago & wonder how the flats I used to live in have fared.
It was interesting to see how the news broke & good to see local & national government pool together to get help where it was needed with the right resources, in my opinion. I think the real hard part will come in the weeks ahead. I also think there are a few positives to come from this quake.
Initially builders, plumbers & many other workers will be inundated with work & more workers will come to the location to help with the clean up, repairs & rebuild. This work along with resources needed will boost the economy with effectively many millions of dollars are now going to be put back into our economy & in particular the Canterbury economy.
Once rebuilt - buildings will be upgraded to be earthquake 'proof', water ways & sewage systems have a chance to be upgraded along with roads."
People are already showing more of a community spirit. Hopefully everyone has now met their neighbours & many groups are getting together & volunteering with some basic clean ups. I have heard that people all over the country are making sure that they have some Civil defence supplies as most of expect this kind of thing to happen in Wellington, but not Christchurch & so most people were caught out.

Of course things are tough there, & will be for some time. There will be frustrations over the time things take to get back to 'normal' & there are people who want a "souvenir" from the CBD but I think the city can handle it, one step at a time. Good luck to you all!
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