141 - "I think I have courage to die..."

Oct 22, 2009 14:22

141 - "I think I have courage to die, but not to die thus in small sick ways."

I saw them for the first time when I made the crossing between the nations now known as France and Great Britain. In those days, passage across the channel was difficult but commonplace, and trade between the kingdoms I then called Gaul and Albion was brisk.

They rise over a hundred meters into the air, and stretch more than fifteen kilometers along the coast. Standing like a fortress wall, they present a powerful, determined face to the rest of Europe, as if the land itself were challenging the rest of the world to dare invade. Indeed, history has proven that particular island to be particularly difficult to own by any but the individuals who call it home.

When I first laid eyes upon the White Cliffs of Dover, however, those were not the notions that came to mind. No more than a day after my ship landed in the port town that still exists in that very same exceptional geographic location, I was standing atop those cliffs, gazing down at the stark white chalk flecked with black from the very edge.

Let no person and no romantic fantasy convince you differently: solitary immortality is a curse more terrible than any other. There is no more painful existence than the one that does not end, allowing the unfortunate immortal to watch helplessly as the world marches on in its natural, proper order without him. He sees as people die, disasters ravage the land and wars are waged without reason.

And I had more reason than any to despair of my unending life, as I had been denied a natural life and passing with my beloved.

I challenged myself to discover whatever method might at last end my life. But no amount of injury, no burning or drowning or smothering had robbed me of whatever magic continues to animate me. I had fallen before, but I had never seen a height like those cliffs, not one that was accessible to me.

With a prayer to see my Evelia again, I jumped.


Muse: Gregory Coleville
Fandom: Original Character
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