
Apr 06, 2011 22:24

We met with our new lawyer for the first time today ... and we both have a very good feeling about him. He was exceedingly proactive and positive, & works with a firm devoted to father's rights. I'm so glad that we finally have a confident, competent attorney who actually believes we have a shot at this. It's also nice to be able to be in on the meetings for once instead of hearing second-hand info from Adam, trying always to remind him to ask questions, which he often promptly forgot. Hehehe
It's still a ridiculously long & expensive road ahead of us ... but it's worth it to know that we're doing all we can for our little girl.

We're going to be asking Shay nicely for school-week custody again this week, & if she doesn't acquiesce then the battle shall commence.

Please continue prayers for us to win this if you're the praying type!!

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