(no subject)

Jun 24, 2008 09:15

I have to go in to work in twelve minutes, but I figured I'd go ahead and update now since I don't know if I will when I get home.

I finally found someone to vote for! Granted, it's for Senate and not for President, but it's still something. Rand Knight, Jr., filled out one of those issue position tests on votesmart.org, and I actually agree with a lot of his positions:

  • He believes abortion should always be legal.
  • He supports stem cell research.
  • He believes same sex couples should have the right to marry and opposes a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
  • He supports higher incentives for cleaner energy and hybrid cars.
  • He supports designating election day as a national holiday.
  • He supports the "cap and trade" pollution credit idea that was discussed in one of the books I had to read for economics two summers ago.

Overall, I think he's the best candidate for Senate there is, and I look forward to having someone to vote for in the general primary July 15. At first I was very disappointed because I thought we'd be in New York on that date, but it turns out we're leaving the next day, so I will be allowed to vote. The sad thing is that I convinced my mother to vote for him and then remembered that she'll be in Minneapolis on that day and will therefore be unable to vote for him unless she did it via absentee ballot, which I really doubt would ever be read (since it's just the primary and she's a Democrat in Georgia).

Rand Knight's Political Courage Test

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