[SLotAT] Episode 1

Jul 07, 2008 02:46

The Secret Life of the American Teenager is, from the start, completely untrue. It's like they took the extremes from every end of every stereotype and used them like that instead of, I don't know, doing it properly. Though I suddenly understand how fifteen-year-olds can get pregnant. D: My heart goes out to Amy and Ricky deserves a punch in the face or five.

Not to mention, very interesting to see omgsuperdevoted Christians. I mean, I'm Christian, but I would be running for the hills if a promise ring was ever mentioned. (or maybe that's just my natural reaction the the words "promise" and "ring" put together) It also draws more attention to the subject so I can kind of see where Jack (and how common is that?) was coming from. Not that it made what he did okay. D: At all.

I do like the characters, though. And it's definitely a show I'll be semi-keeping up with. :D American television, yay for overused everything including cliques. And yay for Juno, opening the way to teenage pregnancy everywhere. x.X

Admittedly, Juno was awesome and ten kinds of cute.

episode 1, #slotat

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