For a little while today, I felt like I was back in Paris. It was lovely.
I nearly forgot that 7 o'clock in the morning actually existed. I was quickly reunited with it today, when I had to wake up at the crack of dawn to catch a train at 8:50. I can't complain too much though, because all in all, it worked out perfectly. We (my dad and I. My sister didn't come...she was still asleep because she won BOX SEATS to last night's Phillies game You know, the one where they won 22-1? Yeah, that one. Guh, LUCKY!) got into Philly around 9:45 and then trekked it to the art museum. I haven't been to the art museum in ages, so I forgot exactly far it was away from the beginning of the Ben Franklin Parkway. Thankfully it was a nice day, so I really didn't mind it that much.
I felt like such a little kid in a candy shop. I forgot how much Impressionist period art they have. Dega ballerina sculpture? Check. Monet Japanese bridge? Check. Van Gough sunflowers? Check. I have to admit, I was impressed with the art museum. They've ovbiously pulled more stuff out or storage or were donated more pieces because there was a lot more there than I recall. Even my dad pointed it out. I was oggling at Jackson Pollick (no surprise, LOVE him) when my dad directed me towards this little showroom off to the side. I had to contain squealing in delight. Why you may ask? Becuase they have a whole new exhibit for Constantin Brancusi. I hate sculpters but I adore him. (Maybe because I was forced to sit and stare at a replica of his house/studio for like, an three million hours, in Paris and had to learn to love it...iunno. Either way, I think Brancusi is a genuis and I want his house/studio.) ANYWAY! The showroom is this tiny little place with lovely arched ceilings and little alcoves where some of his pieces were displayed and right there, smack dab at the end of the room, glowing like something sent from the Gods were three pieces from his "
Bird in
Space" series. Ever since I saw them at his museum in Paris, I have wanted nothing more than to see them again. I have never wanted to own a sculpture more than I want to own on of his Birds.
And (among many other fantastic things) there was also one of his gold
penises. Oh, pardon me,
Princess X.
After staring at a bit more art (I won't bore you any longer with more details) we went to museum store, which was pretty fantastic. I got two new fantastic books on
This is the back cover of the little one:
. AND! I saw
this! Babar's Museum of Art! Adorable right? I mean, as is common knowledge, I have a thing for the French Pachyderm King and the Musée d'Orsay, so put the two together, I was happy as a clam. I only read the first few pages, but apparently Babar created the d'Orsay after Queen Celeste pointed out that the elephants only drove nowadays, so the train station was sitting unused. And not wanting it to be destroyed, Babar ordered people to turn it into a museum. And it showed all of the famous painting there, but where people and other animals were supposed to be, there were elephants! A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E! I would have gotten it, except my dad was paying for my books and I wasn't about to abuse his credit card generosity, so I let it slide...for now.
By the time we left, it was lunch time, so we hiked (and it was a legit hike. The art museum isn't even near civilication, let alone Center City.) down to the Reading Terminal for some MEXICAN FOOD! I dream about that stuff...SO GOOD! After lunch we just wandered around a bit. We went to FYE where I got a McFly CD for $5. It was supposed to be $8, but apparently they really wanted to get rid of it, which is fine becuase I wouldn't have paid more than that for it. Not because it's crap, although some might beg to differ, but hey, I have a soft spot for boy bands, but because I already download half of the album...). AND! Big WIN for the day, the Wombats's CD was on display! FINALLY! fye rose like, 50,000 places in my book. It's the only store I know of that carries all of my crazy music! The Wombats were there, as wer the Kaiser Cheifs, the Kooks, McFly....and I didn't check for anything else, but I'm sure it would have been there becuase they're awesome like that.
I wandered up to their second level and looked at all of the DVDs they have and nearly died seeing the prices the box set for Doctor Who series 1 and 2 (which is fine, becuase I would never get them. At least not in the near future. Season 3 and 4 are 50 million times better.) Torchwood was $20 cheaper and would still dent my graduation money if I finally cave and buy it.*headdesk* WHY BBC AMERICA! WHY SO EXPENSIVE! (I think I might have to srounge around amazon and see if I can find them waaaaay cheaper.) BUT! Such injustice in the world, they were having a sale on select TV Box Sets. One of them was ER. I have the first 3 (maybe 4, I don't remember) seasons on DVD and thankfully they've all been presents so I haven't had to buy one personally, but I nearly peed my pants today when I saw the sale prices. FIFTEEN FREAKING DOLLARS! They're normally likr, $45. I was tempted to get the fourth season, but it started to go downhill then, so I decided against it. And I also didn't remember if I had season 4 or not.
OH! On the way to lunch, my dad and I found
on a light pole. Man, I love crazy people! And I also found
this at Love Park. And then some guy walked past me and muttered something about "Don't forget to vote!" Can't beat Philadelphia.
Thanfully, we didn't go to one of my favorite art supply stores, Blick. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's spending money...especially at art supply stores. (i.e, I want new brushes and water color pencials, I need a few canvases and a new sketch book. *sigh*) But we did go to the Gap Outlet and I did get clothes, which is always fun and lovely.
And then, alas, it was time to go. I was (am) exhausted and wanted nothing more than to plunk on my bed and not more for hours (which, it does appear I am currently achieving...). But I had such a fantastic time today and I didn't feel like a tourist. Normally, I don't, but last week I went down with my youth group and some of them haven't been down or seen a lot of stuff if they have been, so we hit all the touristy places and I felt really awkward. But today I didn't, so in my mind, all was (is) well.
Hahaha, and I came home to find
this waiting for me. Brilliant!
Now excuse me while I go and commence watching Doctor Who series 2. I (reluctantly) admit, that Rose has grown on me and the more David Tennant in my life, the better.