The Avengers, "The Flip Side" Darcy/Loki || Chapter Six

May 06, 2012 13:21

Title: The Flip Side
Author: paynesgrey
Artist: zephre
Beta: psyco_chick32
Rating: R/M
Word Count: 23,665
Type: Het(mostly), Romance, Comedy, Adventure
Characters/Pairings: Darcy Lewis, Loki, Thor, Jane Foster, Clint Barton, Odin, ensemble || Darcy/Loki, Darcy/Clint, Clint/Loki, Jane/Thor
Notes/Spoilers: Avengers AU-compliant. There are no spoilers for the Avengers movie. Written for avengers_bang.
Warnings: gore, dubious consent, possession, manipulation, sexual situations

Summary: In punishment for his crimes, Odin destroys Loki's body to imprison his soul. After a narrow escape, Loki comes to Midgard and plans his revenge by taking over the body of Jane's assistant, Darcy Lewis. The girl who loves tasers, however, does not make things easy for him.

Chapter Six: Breakthrough

Curiosity fueled him, and Loki felt that in addition to all the spell magic he’d researched for his counter-spell, he’d take a few more risks with Darcy’s body and start snooping around Jane Foster’s research.

For the most part, what little information Jane Foster had shown him as Darcy was intriguing, and though the scientist expected Darcy to not know anything about it, Loki played dumb and perused the research anyway. Whenever he’d get a heightened suspicion for anyone who thought she may be way too interested in the research, he flipped Darcy’s hair and acted bored, whining about wanting food.

Apparently, that sort of behavior was normal for Darcy and suspicions seemed to fade whenever he made the motion.

Still, there were some things better done on his own, and he’d made several attempts to retrieve Jane Foster’s data and find out where they were opening the wormhole on his own, knowing that it was perhaps his only way since other outlets he’d found while in Darcy’s body were closed to him. Oh, yes, the All-Father had figured out Loki’s backdoor entrances and exits to Asgard, and though he was sure in an Asgardian body he would be able to penetrate the magic, in a human body he had little success. So he relied heavily on Foster’s research, as much as he hated to admit it.

Leaving the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters with some success in mind, Loki returned to Stark Tower hoping to give this mortal body some rest after being run dogged today for menial tasks by Fury, and he would find Darcy’s consciousness, hoping to finally explain to her the importance of her cooperation.

Looking over his shoulder, Loki checked if there were any eyes on him, any agents lurking in the shadows who were watching him, waiting for the right moment to catch him in the act. Chuckling inwardly, Loki refused to feel foolish for his sensitivity, citing that Darcy’s own paranoia and fear toward Nick Fury were starting to seep into his own thoughts.

Upon returning to the Tower, he slipped through the shadows, avoiding the other Avengers in the main living room, talking about strategic plans to infiltrate a group called Hydra, one that Loki was familiar with and wouldn’t mind using for his own plans once he retrieved his body back and was made whole again.

Instead he slid softly across the floor back up to his room, when an arm grabbed his from behind and pulled him against a strong chest. Damn! And he was just getting away from Clint Barton! Loki felt he had no more use for the man. The agent turned out to have as much information on Jane’s research as Maria Hill and Natasha Romanoff, knowledge that Darcy had known herself plus more. The man was no more use to him after Loki had remembered his passwords and codes at a time when Barton didn’t suspect that Darcy would care for such things. Loki had already accessed as much as he was able through Clint’s secure files, and there was not much more use to them after that.

But as Darcy had implied, Barton was smitten and when she was in control of her own body, she was taken with him.

It made Loki want to hurl, but he had to play up the part.

Clint immediately bent down to kiss her, and she stayed pliant against him, soft and yearning, as he wanted, even though Loki wanted to scream inside.

He pulled away, smiling at Darcy as she rested a hand on his chest and gave him her best, sultry pout. “Hey stranger,” she said softly.

“Hey, going to bed so early? How about a night on the town?” he asked her, and Darcy sighed.

“I can’t....Do you know how hard Fury and Jane had me working today? I can barely feel my feet,” she whined.

“I can carry you, plus...whiskey should clear that right up.” He winked at her, and Loki wanted to throw him in a pit of snakes. Instead, he smiled through Darcy’s charming lips.

“It’s a work night, Clint,” she told him.

His brow rose. “It’s never stopped you before.”

“Wow, the word on the street is true,” she said, purring lightly at him and wiggling her brow. “You are a bad influence, Mr. Barton.”

“Then...” he said flattered, “Let me walk you to your room.” By the twinkle in the archer’s eye, Loki knew he wasn’t giving up. He could sense the urgency and heat rolling off Barton’s body. He saw Clint lick his lips, looking down at her like a piece of meat.

The only thing Loki could think was that Darcy would be so angry with him if he took Clint, just to quit his incessant pestering and drooling all over her. Darcy would probably like to have Clint all on her own, in her right mind, and the thought made Loki frown through Darcy’s expression.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, suddenly worried.

“Nothing, it’s just... Fury gave me a total migraine today, and I thought I was over it but...”

“Oh, man, he does that. I’ve been there,” Clint said, and he looked concerned yet defeated. He knew he wasn’t getting any tonight, and Loki, well, he was relieved - he’d neither betray Darcy’s trust nor have to deal with having sex with the man just to get him to stop bothering him. Not that Clint wasn’t worth the taste, he imagined, but Loki wasn’t in the mood for him, not in this body and probably not ever.

“Rain check?” Darcy pleaded with a wince.

Clint had slid his hand in her hair and smiled with a wink. “For you, babe, anytime.”

Darcy grinned at him sheepishly. “Goodnight, protector,” she emphasized, and left Clint Barton with a stupid grin on his face.


Loki found Darcy back in the Asgardian paradise where he’d left her, and she was blowing seeds off a wispy flower, humming to herself.

“Oh, thank God you’re here!” she said. “I’m so bored! Can’t you transport me to Las Vegas with a million fake dollars to play the slots with? I don’t think I can take any more of this rainbow bridge or this peacefulness! Holy shit it’s like Disney on crack in here and it’s driving me crazy!”

“I was busy, but I do apologize for being late,” he said, plopping lightly next to her. “You will be very proud of me though.”

“Yeah right,” Darcy groaned at him. “As if I could, and I don’t approve of kicking puppies so if that’s what you were doing all day I’m not happy.”

Loki sighed. “I fought off another advance from Clint Barton. He seems very determined to take you to bed.”

Darcy stood up, panicking. “Oh my god! You blew him off! He’s going to think I’m not interested! Oh my god, oh my god, ohmygod!”

“Wait a minute, girl; first you tell me to leave him alone and you’re upset that I brushed him off? Will you mortal women ever make up your minds?” he sneered at her.

“One, no, we will not make up our minds, and two, why can’t you just let me have control of my own body when he does that, so then we can do the nasty and I’m satisfied, he’s satisfied, and you can take the driver seat again....and do whatever it is you do,” Darcy whined.

“Whatever I do is study Jane Foster’s research so I can figure out where she’s testing her wormhole site and not get caught by S.H.I.E.L.D. I also am trying to perfect my counter spell, which takes time as well,” he huffed at her.

“Why don’t you just reverse it like they do in Doctor Who all the time, reverse the polarity or something! It always works!” she stormed at him, throwing her hands up in frustration. “HO CRAP, I’m never going to get laid again by a hot guy, never, and it’s all thanks to you!” She pointed at him, her finger shaking with rage.

Her anger subsided for a moment when she realized he wasn’t paying attention any longer and seemed lost in thought.

“What is it?” she asked, afraid she’d said something that would set him off, forever taking over her body and never letting her get out of this cracked-out Asgardian nightmare ever again.

When he looked up, Loki was smiling. “You may have actually said something worthwhile, mortal. I knew you were clever, and this... this is perhaps a fluke but may be correct.”

“Correct, about what?” she asked, frowning as she was stupefied by what he was talking about.

“Reversing the spell. Unbinding the binding! Of course! Why did I not see it before? Perhaps I was blind, thinking that Odin’s magic was too all-powerful that it could not be undone, but his magic is not in the spell! The spell belongs to those hack enchanters, only boosted by Odin’s scepter as a catalyst! Oh you silly, marvelous girl!” he said, jumping at her and grabbing her, pulling her close in his excitement, laughing against her skin as he took her lips into his. He kissed her noisily, leaving her bewildered and flushed.

“If I destroy the scepter, I can easily reverse that spell, and I’ll have my body back in no time. The effects will be undone, and my body will grow back quicker than ever before,” he said, and he still held her, looking down her with appreciation. “You have done more than prove your usefulness mortal, and I will reward you kindly for it if you help me in one last trial.”

“Help you? Reward?” she stammered, still bemused by his jubilant kiss stinging on her lips.

“Yes, not only will you regain your body back, dear girl, you will gain so much more,” he said saucily, and he drew her against him again - his body an unexpected warmth mixing with hers. “Come, the next plan comes to fruition. To Asgard, back to my homeland, and there, I will get my body back and cast my revenge on those who betrayed me.”

Darcy gaped at him. She didn’t know what she did with her “reverse polarity” joke, but she supposed as happy as he was, that it was a good thing, and that it would be possible to finish this whole nightmare become herself again.

She wondered if she should still willingly help Loki, and she feared what he had left in store for her. Whether or not she gave her compliance, she had a feeling he would take what he wanted anyway, with her permission or not.


Loki was back at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters again, and as he let Darcy see through the crystal cool river again to watch the events play out, she got a bad feeling in the pit of her gut.

Nothing good could come of this. They were at her work after hours with the intent to steal equipment and Jane’s research and bump up testing for the new wormhole early, behind any safety tests or other measures.

Plus, they’d have to return to New Mexico, where Thor had first arrived, an apparent weak spot in between their two worlds.

How he was going to lug the equipment out in her short, clumsy body she’d never know, but she was sure Loki would find some way, use magic maybe, to do the deed. She just wished he didn’t underestimate S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers.

Surely, someone must sense that she hasn’t been herself lately?

He had just downloaded the last of Jane Foster’s research and headed down to the secure storage areas in the basement of the facility when she’d heard the alarm. A screaming mechanical cacophony buzzed in her ear as clear as if she were in charge of her own body, and she felt Loki freeze, red-handed in front of the flashing lights pointed in his direction.

In a cool, calm manner Director Nick Fury stood in front of his entourage of men with tranq guns pointed at her.

“Darcy Lewis, now what in the world would an intern be doing down here in a secure area?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know, looking for ghosts? Didn’t I tell you about my hobby? I’m a ghost hunter now. In training...yeah.” She smiled sheepishly, and Darcy could strangle Loki. Fury wasn’t going to buy that story in a million years.

“You’ve been caught,” she said, and her words seemed to mirror Fury’s.

“But you’re not Darcy, are you? She wouldn’t know the first thing about hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D operations and downloading sensitive research. She’s Foster’s assistant, yes, but one of the greatest assets of Darcy at S.H.I.E.L.D is to not know a lot about what we do here. She doesn’t know how things work, and so she’s basically a perfect employee. She’s too ignorant and frankly, she doesn’t want to know anything about S.H.I.E.L.D work beyond what she can leak to Facebook -- which is why we monitor her activity. Always,” he said in a dangerous, threatening tone. “So, if you’re not Darcy, who are you? A shapeshifter? A mutant?”

“I am no lowly mutant,” Loki told him still in Darcy’s form. He began to carry himself differently, something that Fury must have noticed as a brow raised when Darcy put down the equipment and sashayed over to him. “Maybe we can discuss this like mature adults. Just you and me, Fury. Without your drones.” Loki spared them a glance before shifting toward Fury’s gaze, and Darcy felt her blood run cold as she realized what he was doing. He was trying to seduce Nick Fury with her body!

She was going to puke. Seriously. He was going to pay for that.

If the ghost hunting story didn’t work, this certainly wasn’t going to work either.

“You idiot,” she breathed to Loki, who’d heard her criticism but chose to ignore her.

“I will ask nicely again,” Nick Fury said through gritted teeth. “Who are you?”

“Oh, why do you have to be such a stiff, Fury? We can have a lot of fun,” she said. Darcy slapped a palm on her forehead inside.

Fury turned to his men, and he nodded. They clicked their guns, pointed at the ready. “She makes any false movement and doesn’t answer in 20, take her down.”

Darcy gulped. They were going to tranq her. It was kind of ironic, since she appreciated tasing and tranqing people herself. Now she was going to get all juiced up, just because Loki was caught and couldn’t magic them out of there.

“Why don’t you teleport us out, stupid!” she yelled at him, but Loki only chuckled, confusing the others outside.

“You’re going to get caught, Darcy,” he said out loud, and Fury put his hand up to stall his men from firing. “You’re going to get caught because they can help you, and me too.”

“Darcy? Darcy are you in there?” Nick Fury called to her, and if she could yell and scream to him she would. But she couldn’t. She could feel Loki pulling back, and it made her pause with distraction. What was he doing? Was he leaving?

He laughed loudly, and she could hear it echo throughout her skull. She glanced to the right in the pool and saw Fury motion to his men. She screamed at the first charge, feeling blackness paint the Asgardian paradise in her head into an inky void.

Before she fell into it, Darcy called out to Loki, reaching out for him as he slithered away from her grasp. He was gone, and he’d let her be captured by S.H.I.E.L.D.

And she knew she had a lot of explaining to do once she awoke.

Chapter Seven

the avengers, darcy, jane/thor, thor, minor characters, the flip side, loki, loki/darcy, darcy/clint, jane foster

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