The Avengers, "The Flip Side" Darcy/Loki || Chapter Five

May 06, 2012 13:14

Title: The Flip Side
Author: paynesgrey
Artist: zephre
Beta: psyco_chick32
Rating: R/M
Word Count: 23,665
Type: Het(mostly), Romance, Comedy, Adventure
Characters/Pairings: Darcy Lewis, Loki, Thor, Jane Foster, Clint Barton, ensemble || Darcy/Loki, Darcy/Clint, Clint/Loki, Jane/Thor
Notes/Spoilers: Avengers AU-compliant. There are no spoilers for the Avengers movie. Written for avengers_bang.
Warnings: gore, dubious consent, possession, manipulation, sexual situations

Summary: In punishment for his crimes, Odin destroys Loki's body to imprison his soul. After a narrow escape, Loki comes to Midgard and plans his revenge by taking over the body of Jane's assistant, Darcy Lewis. The girl who loves tasers, however, does not make things easy for him.

Chapter Five: String of Memories

Time flowed endlessly throughout her mind, and Darcy never really knew what time it was, or how many hours or days had passed. Loki used to visit her more when her body was sleeping and getting its rest, but after their argument about Clint and Thor (and Darcy calling him a rapist) Loki did not seek out her consciousness again.

Now, she was bored.

Sometimes she would watch her life in the reflection of the clear river, but soon she realized that Loki had allowed her to see that of his own accord, and sometimes he would shut off visuals to her world, and she didn’t know what was going on. It was frustrating, and Darcy assumed Loki was up to no good, or doing his magic research as he intended.

There was nothing much for her to do than wander around this strange dreamlike world. Upon exploration, Darcy assumed this wasn’t even Earth anymore, and she had a theory that Loki had trapped her in a visual space in what only he knew - Asgard.

She walked and walked, followed the river and then sought out strange animals that scurried out of her path. She’d observed trolls fighting one another, and sometimes she even encountered people in the distance - strong, Viking-like people that talked of tales as they walked toward future battles, and bragged about defeating this foe or that.

Soon, Darcy realized this was nothing more than a looping memory of Loki’s. She couldn’t interact with anyone, and though the animals seemed to react to her, upon further study they didn’t when she was able to run her hand through a slumbering hare.

Darcy marched her way down a rather steep hill, seeing the large looming walls that encased a gilded, esoteric palace in the distance. A glittering rainbow bridge darted from its gates and seemed to encase the entire sky as it shot out in the distance of watery clouds.

The hill steeped upward, and Darcy followed the noises of children as her boredom began to set in. She didn’t even feel tired after all the walking, and she hoped that she’d actually feel something other than boredom in this plane.

When she finally saw the children playing on the hill within the castle gates, she watched as they ran around large topiaries in the garden labyrinths. They were giggling and crying out to each other, daring the others to a game of find and catch. Two little boys and a young girl spread out, searching for their own hiding places.

“No fair, Thor,” cried the young girl. She was gorgeous with blonde hair as golden as the sun. She pouted at the cheeky blond boy. “You cheated! You watched where I went.”

“Your hiding place was poorly thought Lady Sif! It was easy to find you,” he boasted confidently.,

“I swear there was a larger bush there. I swear!” Sif said defiantly, and a young boy clad in green came out smiling wickedly from the shadows. Sif saw him in the corner of her eye and pointed an accusing finger at him. “You! Loki, you’re the one that removed the bush I was hiding from so Thor could find me! Trickster!”

The boy was calm, even back then, Darcy mused. He met Sif’s angry eyes with calm jubilation. “Why, Lady Sif, I do not know what you mean. You must be mistaken and had hid behind a smaller bush.”

She harrumphed, stomping away. “I don’t want to play anymore! I’m going to go sword fight with Fandral!”

They watched her leave and Thor through a scolding glance to his brother. “You did not need to scare her off, brother. We were having a good time.”

Loki’s smile fell into a frown, and he scowled. “I was only having a bit of fun. Plus, she always wins! It’s so boring.”

Thor did not seem pleased, even as a young boy, toward Loki’s antics. Darcy could sense Thor’s initial affection for the young girl Sif, and he did not like that Loki sabotaged their moment. She also could sense how much Loki’s brother truly affected him, and as the memory faded, more replaced it like a projector film before her eyes.

She saw Loki further antagonize poor Lady Sif, cutting her golden hair and then having to redeem himself by returning to her with new black hair, which wasn’t quite as appealing but at least the poor woman wasn’t bald! Lady Sif seemed too wary of Loki after that, and the two never did regain the friendship they’d had once as kids.

Darcy could feel Loki’s jealousy in that, in the way that Sif regarded Thor.

There were many more adventures she’d witnessed. Thor had always been the muscle, and the victor, where Loki was more of an agent of the shadows.

She saw his interactions with Frigga, his mother, and the All-Father, and how he regarded Loki compared to Thor. The great Odin had always shown preference to Thor, and it was obvious. No wonder Loki had a complex against his brother, Darcy thought.

She wouldn’t say that Loki didn’t love his brother. He did, and there were many a times in his memories Loki showed an emotional weakness over his expression when he was faced with betraying his brother or fulfilling his nefarious plans. Usually, his rage took over, a darkness he let build inside him since he’d known he was the second son, and then later, the adopted son of the Frost Giants and taken as more than a trophy by the All-Father and raised to be his son.

No. Loki would never be ruler of Asgard. He would never be equal to Thor or even to Odin. And it burned him to the core.

He had darkness and light, weaknesses and strengths, but Darcy wouldn’t change her mind about him that he wasn’t a villain. Things just weren’t black and white with him.

Finally, when she encountered his last memory of the All-Father, taking him prisoner and destroying his body, Darcy felt her gut tighten as she witnessed Loki’s helplessness, his desperation. So he truly did know what it felt like to have his body taken without his will.

Doesn’t mean he has the right to take mine, she thought derisively, but she at least understood his plans better, and she could empathize with his motivation.

It also told her that Loki didn’t really want to keep her body. He just needed her until he could get his own back, and despite his silver-tongued threats, she knew now he wouldn’t keep it once she helped him.

And maybe, after seeing all of this, she would help him. It would benefit them both, right?


Loki had spent many weeks looking up all forms of Midgardian magic to reverse his spell. He’d piled over books in dusty libraries, in basements in libraries and even in historical records museums when he could sneak his way past guards.

He had also managed to manipulate teleportation in Darcy’s body, something he wasn’t sure he could do without breaking her body into a million bloody pieces through each jump. Still, he kept her together, making sure not to consume liquid or food before he did it, and he was able to jump to Norway and Sweden where he was sure most Norse magical mysteries still dwelled.

Finding plenty of options, he compiled his notes and started working on writing out a spell and collecting the ingredients he needed. Most ingredients he needed were still on Asgard, and he became more impatient as he realized how tantamount it was for him to be there and not here.

Which meant he needed to get to his body on Asgard more than ever, and it meant gaining Darcy’s cooperation.

Truthfully, he had been avoiding her. He knew that she was a headstrong human, tactless and crude sometimes, he never imagined how much it would bother him that she’d call him a rapist. He was borrowing her body, not defiling her...or was he? He thought on the matter, and he didn’t like the conclusions that he’d come up with.

If that was the way she saw him, he’d have an even harder time gaining her trust and help to retrieve his body.

So, he supposed he’d have to be nicer to her, even though the idea pained him. He didn’t like being nice to any human, and moreover, he felt he didn’t have to.

But this was a special situation. Darcy Lewis was the only human he could be nice to because he knew that he needed her.


She was sitting on a hillside, gazing over the refracting rainbow bridge that shot out from the palace. She watched the clouds roll by like tides and her eyes lifted skyward to the winking stars.

“It’s beautiful here,” she said solemnly, when she saw him approach her. She didn’t realize he’d come back or that he was even searching her out after all this time. She still felt mad at her for leaving her here without a word, among other things, but there was something about the calm Asgardian atmosphere that put her at ease. She turned her face up to him with a smile. “This is where you grew up?”

“Yes,” he said simply, sitting next to her on the hill. She glanced at him, taking in his royal Asgardian clothes, the same ones he wore in one of the more recent memories of joining Thor and the Warriors in the dining hall. He wore a high collared leather trench coat with green accents, a complimenting vest that wrapped around his svelte frame, and plain charcoal pants that tucked into high, imposing leather boots. His hair was slicked back, and he looked princely here, and Darcy wished she could even imagine some of the clothes the women wore here for her own, feeling too audacious to even dare adorn herself with some of the things Lady Sif wore in his memories.

Though knowing it would touch a nerve with him, Darcy said what the hell, and did so.

“That is lovely,” Loki said appreciatively, watching as her common T-shirt and jeans changed to Sif’s familiar battle gear. Darcy grinned at him.

“I’m feeling less out of place now,” Darcy said beaming.

“Red doesn’t really suit you. I see you more in black, green and gold,” he said, and her appearance changed again. Darcy jumped up in surprise. Pointy, gold horns adorned her head like a crown, and she stared down at her breasts almost busting out of a green bodice wrapping her shape over skin tight green pants and a gold belt that held a billowing black sash in the back and front. She peaked over her shoulder and admired the black cape flowing in the breeze.

“Whoa!” She turned to him with wide eyes, noticing her glasses were gone too. She could only imagine the make-up on her face. “I look like a female you,” she accused, and Loki smirked.

“Your body fits this perfectly. As I said, Sif’s clothes do not suit you,” he said.

She crossed her arms. “By the way, where you have you been? What have you been up to? Don’t tell me you seduced Clint again! Oh my god, my life is ruined now,” she fretted.

Loki held up a hand. “Relax, mortal. I did nothing. As I mentioned, I needed your body to do research on a spell, plus...a way back to Asgard.”

Darcy felt cold. “You... you mean you’re going to go after Thor again. And Jane.”

Loki’s eyes hardened like stone. “I must. They are the only way.”

“You can’t hurt them. You can’t make them think...” The words caught in her throat, and anger shot through her core. How did she ever think she could sympathize with him? He was going to use her body to get to them! Who knew what he could do, what he was capable of.

Loki was no friend of hers, and though he was being considerably nice to her, she couldn’t trust him.

And she felt like a fool for even thinking she could learn to like him, that despite his nature, he could really be good.

She hated herself even more that after exposure to his memories, Darcy’s physical reaction to Loki grew into something else, something akin to intrigue and affection.

Quickly, she darted her attention away from him as he stared at her, hoping to quell her thoughts about him before he noticed. It was too late, and Loki was already inching toward her with a self-satisfied grin on his face.

“Do you enjoy Asgard, mortal?” His voice was smooth, like an eerie and tantalizing siren’s call.

“Did you do this on purpose? Show me your memories?” she asked sharply.

“I wanted you to see my side of the story. You find me evil, a villain...even worse, and yet you do not even know me, nor do you know why I even need your body for this short time,” he said.

“It’s still wrong. I don’t care how cute you were as a kid, it’s still wrong,” she said.

“Cute?” he repeated, turning to her with intrigue.

“Yeah, completely cute and adorable,” she said. “Irresistible. Come on, I saw all the shit your mom let you get away with. Only cute kids can get away with that, especially when you cut that poor girl’s hair off.”

Loki grinned, his gaze smoking over in memory as he looked ahead. “I was called little devil, but never cute.”

“Well, you were a little devil too,” Darcy said, sitting next to him in the weird costume. She wished it away and back into her regular clothes and she saw Loki frown at her when it came to be. She hugged her knees. “Do you really need to keep me in here for much longer.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Will you cooperate with me?”

“I don’t know,” Darcy said, shooting him a warning look. Loki sighed.

“You do realize what I can do to you in the waking world and as well as inside this space. I could lock you in an Asgardian dungeon in your mind and never return,” he said.

“And what about my power? This is my mind, isn’t it? I should take you somewhere where I’d like to go!” She closed her eyes and grit her teeth, concentrating. She let out an exaggerated sigh and opened her eyes, but there were still in Asgard, and she was looking into Loki’s triumphant eyes, feeling like an idiot.

“Try all you want, Darcy, but you cannot. I told you, I control everything now. Your will, your actions, and your desires, are all mine, and I can keep them for as long as I so choose,” he said with absolution. Darcy frowned, fighting back angry tears.

“Huh,” she said. “I guess you can.”

“Oh come now, Darcy,” he said, tracing a finger under her chin and drawing her face back toward his. “You don’t entirely hate me. I know this. Deep inside, I can feel everything you feel.” She felt herself flush, and suddenly she feared being naked in front of him again, having her emotions and carnal desires exposed.

“’s not fair,” she growled at him, but he was already leading her down into the grass onto her back. He hovered over her, smiling wickedly, threatening things to come - things that she knew he could persuade from her with just a look, just a touch - because her body was that stupid, and her dumb heart - falling for him in those memories just a little bit. Her lips parted, and he leaned closer, hovering over her.

“You bastard,” she said, feeling wetness on her cheek as a tear escaped. He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, and when she closed her eyes, hating her body for wishing he’d deepen it, she felt nothing. Blinking her eyes open, Darcy groaned.

The seductive, scheming bastard was long gone, leaving her alone on the grass, frightened and unsatisfied.

Chapter Six

the avengers, darcy, jane/thor, thor, minor characters, the flip side, loki, loki/darcy, darcy/clint, jane foster

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