Inuyasha, "Damned If You Do" Miroku/Sango | rated PG

Nov 13, 2011 11:15

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Damned If You Do
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG
Word Count: 244
Genre: Humor
Universe: Canon
Warnings/Spoilers: None.

Summary: Miroku just can't do anything right, even when he tries.

Today, Miroku just couldn't catch a break.

Pretty much every female presence he encountered on their journey gravitated to him like bears to honey, and though in the past he would have welcomed such attention, right now was not a good time.

Especially when he'd been trying to keep his word to Sango and not proposition other girls in front of her. Or make her jealous. Or make her angry enough to bludgeon him over the head with Hiraikotsu.

But of course, he couldn't be unfriendly. It wasn't his nature, and he was a monk after all. So what if he was more than willing to write out some charms for a gaggle of young ladies that happened by their group and saw that he was a simple monk, thus instantly pouncing on him? (Inuyasha's eye-rolling didn't help, nor did Kagome's hard judgmental stare.)

He had to oblige them; it was his duty as a monk. So he did, and he behaved as maturely and properly as he could toward these young women, and when they shrieked with happiness, he couldn't help but brave a look at Sango. Consequently, with his luck, she was seething at him as expected.

Yes, he couldn't catch a break, and so today would be another day where he'd have to dig himself out of that never ending abyss to win a tiny bit of Sango's favor.

But at least, he thought, Sango was definitely worth the effort.

miroku, miroku/sango, sango, inuyasha

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