Thor, "Reverse Psychology" Loki/Darcy, part 17 of "Mischief and Tasers"

Nov 07, 2011 21:56

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: Reverse Psychology
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Loki, Darcy, Loki/Darcy
Word Count: 2,083
Spoilers/Warnings: post-Thor movie, no warnings
Notes: Written for the "#89 - You shall see me a little while longer." prompt for 100_fairytales. Part 17 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here. The first part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: Darcy turns the tables on Loki in a game she can't possibly win.

Mischief and Tasers

Part Seventeen: Reverse Psychology

What the devil is she thinking? he thought to himself, frowning. He wasn’t a fool, and he knew that Darcy didn’t think he was either.

So what was she doing? He’d noticed the change instantly, especially after the strange conversation they had last night after their motorcycle ride. He thought he’d finally gained her trust, and he had to admit, he was very fond of the girl, even if she’d been a pawn in his game against S.H.I.E.L.D and Jane Foster.

It was more than that now, but Loki wasn’t sure to make of her most recent behavior. How did a dull, dowdy mortal girl suddenly transform into dressing like a barely-dressed harlot? Of course, she was still Darcy Lewis underneath the make-up and form fitting clothes, and he could tell she was uncomfortable - determined, yes, but mostly wide-eyed as if she couldn’t figure out why she was behaving such a way herself.

He noticed her flimsy attire at breakfast. Darcy was always adamant he stayed out of her private space when she was in her bedroom, mostly for undressing, putting on what meager makeup she owned, and using her bathroom. Of course, he allowed her the privacy, but he couldn’t help being suspicious that she was hiding something from him, or sitting in her room devising plans on how to circumvent his spell and reveal his presence.

And when she would stay in there and not appear for hours (and not be sleeping) - well, it made him curious. Of course, he’d had enough uncomfortable encounters with her taser to avoid a situation like that again. Though, he was getting more powerful lately, sometimes Darcy still knew right where to jolt him - and a burst of electric bolts like that, in that close of proximity of sensitive parts, would catch anyone off guard, whether god or mortal. At least for gods, he was still uncomfortable for a minute or too, and it was annoying to say the least.

This time, before breakfast, she didn’t seem to care that she pranced around the kitchen, making pancakes in nothing but her heart-printed underwear and loose-fitting half t-shirt. He wondered why she hadn’t worn such attire before. It was a crime to hide such an endowed figure; even he could appreciate that.

What he did not appreciate was the obvious flirting, or that she was trying very hard to make him uncomfortable.

Was this her way of trying to push him away? Like something such as this would scare him - Loki - away! He almost found it a little insulting, and he wanted to play along with her and scare her, especially give her exactly what she deserved.

Except, it wasn’t real. It was a game, and Loki knew all about games.

“Pancakes?” she eyed him through her glasses and waved the spatula in her hand. She beamed at him. “I can add chocolate chips.”

“What are you doing, Darcy?”

Darcy turned away with a nervous giggle. He watched as she dumped the chips in the pancake batter and stirred maddeningly.

“Pancakes, dummy, that’s what I’m doing,” she said, and though she insulted him, her tone came out much like a kitten’s purr. She grinned at him, and Loki felt so incensed by her obvious seduction that he forgot his plan to meet her challenge and get her back. Instead, he declined breakfast and retreated to his study within the other dimension of her closet. He caught Darcy’s obvious pout in the corner of his eye when he rushed away.


First it was pancakes, and when food didn’t win him, Darcy tried to entrap him with her general closeness. While Loki was never bothered by her invasion of his personal space before (especially when she was drunk and trying to snuggle with him on the sofa - which he didn’t mind, for some reason) and he couldn’t deny that it felt nice being touched by another person - not one who felt they had to abide him because he was royalty or because they wanted something. Darcy was... different in that vain. She almost acted like she wanted to touch him of her own accord - out of friendship, out of spontaneous joy - but never out of fear or forced respect, and after all he’d done to her, Loki couldn’t believe she’d get near him at all.

But as he said, things were different and changing between them.

Darcy wasn’t acting like herself. He could still sense her anxiety, but she came to him like she was playing a role, rubbing herself against him within even more thinly-made attire, wearing thicker make-up and calling him by odious endearments.

She wasn’t even being cute; she was being annoying, and she was acting like the kind of woman he despised, and that he was sure, Darcy despised as well.

Instantly, she trapped him. He had braved reading a book on the sofa, and though he was mostly curious on how she would engage him next, he did not expect her sliding next to him in the couch and not even turning on the TV.

She was staring at him, and he could sense it; though, he dared not look up from his book.

Perhaps he should humor her, take her challenge, but when he felt her head rest against his shoulder, he tensed, almost regretting that this wasn’t sincere. What had he done to her to make her behave this way?

When she put her hand on his thigh, he snatched it a tight grasp and pushed her against the other arm of the couch. He hovered over her, pushing his knee between her legs. He looked down at her with fury rolling off his face. He grabbed up both wrists and pulled them over her head.

“Stop,” he snarled, and she looked at him, wide-eyed with her voice caught in her throat. He could feel her trembling under him. She licked her lips and began closing her eyes after a sigh.

He blinked at her, her body looking pliant and ready for him. Tentatively she opened her legs for him and all that existed between them were his clothes and the thin heat of her panties. He felt her leg curve around his and he stiffened again.

Then, he saw her for how she truly felt. Her face was flushed, and though her body was reacting naturally to his touch, he read the truth on her conflicted expression. She really didn’t want this. Not now, not in the state of mind she was in.

He pulled away from her, and she opened her eyes, realizing that he was standing at her side, staring down at her with contempt. She opened her mouth to speak, but Loki feared the incessant nonsense that would pass through her lips.

Plus, he didn’t want to deal with the tension between them any more that day

So he left, and he thought of better ways to approach her.


Darcy woke up with a start in the middle of the night when she realized that her lamp was on and someone was sitting on her bed. It was Loki, of course, and she shuddered lightly and wondered if he was still angry with her on what happened between them earlier.

Instead, he seemed calm, and his dark inflections wrapped around her ears like velvet. “I couldn’t figure out why there was such an extreme change in you today. It was puzzling, and the more I observed you, the more your motives became clear.” He paused, but she sensed his amusement. “You wanted to drive me away. Clever girl, but that won’t work on me,” Loki said, his hand finding her hair as he weaved his fingers through the curls. Darcy felt slightly lulled by his touch, and with the instant affection he showed her, she almost felt ashamed for what she did today.

Still, she didn’t feel that ashamed. For all he’d done to her, he deserved far worse than her little experiment in flirting - an experiment that had epically failed.

At least Darcy was clear on how the Trickster god really felt about her, despite whatever feelings she had of her own.

Lightly, she pulled away from his touch, rolled over and propped herself up on her elbow. “Are you sure that’s what I was doing?” she challenged him. Why stop now? She was already caught, and she was curious enough to see his reaction.

“No mortal would be stupid enough to seduce me,” Loki said. “I believed you were not a stupid mortal, Darcy Lewis.”

“Is it so bad to be seduced? I mean...look at you,” she said, arching an eyebrow.

“You were not seducing me with honest intentions. I can tell the difference,” Loki said, and Darcy frowned.

“If I seduced you honestly, I’m sure you would kill me or...”

“Or what?” he asked.

“Mock me, berate me, and tell me how stupid I am and how I’m totally unworthy and out of your league. Don’t you think I’ve had enough of that from regular guys?” Darcy harrumphed.

“This is what you think? I don’t believe it. I believe that you were playing games with me to leave you alone, while you, Jane Foster and S.H.I.E.L.D brought back my brother without my knowledge. You wish to spare me that satisfaction of preparing for his return - and preparing to fight him,” Loki said.

“You really think my mind is that complex?” Darcy asked with a snort. “Wow. You really don’t know me, do you? That wasn’t my plan at all.”

“Then what was it?” Loki asked, sounding annoyed as his theory was proven wrong.

“I...I don’t want to get close to you, so I wanted to scare you away, alright?” Darcy confessed, and she couldn’t believe she was doing this, but the words were coming out and she couldn’t stop. (And if he killed her for her next words, well, then she’d haunt him for sure. Forever.) “Do you know how hard it is to be friends with someone who’s evil and wants to take over the world?”

A heavy silence fell between them and Darcy could feel the hair on the back of her neck stand on end as seconds rolled by in Loki’s silence.

Then, he laughed, louder and less sinister than she’d ever heard before. His laughter was genuine amusement, unexpected and without darkness. Darcy thought it was a beautiful sound, which made it even harder for her to put aside her growing feelings for him.

“This is why you wished to drive me away? You mortals have the strangest ways!” Loki said with incredulous laughter in his voice, and he cupped his hand against her cheek. His amused voice suddenly dropped to a teasing tone. “If that is how you drive a man away, dear girl, you make want to stay even longer.”

“You don’t need to stay. Really,” Darcy squawked, feeling her face flushing warmly. “I know how busy you your secret lair, making all your evil plans, putting laser beams on sharks, that kind of stuff...”

Loki chuckled again. “Do not worry; my plans are very close to being complete.”

“And Thor is very close to returning,” Darcy mumbled with worry.


Darcy groaned, throwing the pillow over her face. She could feel Loki’s smugness next to her.  She didn’t want Thor to come back to Loki and all his evilness. She liked them both, and worse, she liked Loki more despite the fact that Thor was sweet, totally cut, and well great. He was a good guy, and Loki didn’t want to be. She liked Loki - possibly more than like, and she was loyal to Jane and Thor. So she was decidedly screwed. “Why does this have to be so hard!”

When Loki chuckled again, she peeked out from under her pillow and pouted at him. “Any chance I can save you from the Dark side and turn you into a good guy?”

Instantly, she saw Loki smirk at her like a naughty cat. “But Darcy, whatever do you mean? I believe I’m a good guy.”

Part Eighteen

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, 100_fairytales, thor

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