True Blood, "Alone" Bill, Eric/Sookie

Aug 05, 2011 09:01

Fandom: True Blood
Title: Alone
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Bill, Eric/Sookie, past Bill/Sookie
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: Up to 4x06 "I Wish I Was the Moon"
Notes: Written for the "eyes" challenge at trueblood100.

Summary: Bill thinks about Sookie.

Tonight the blood isn’t sweet enough, but Bill knows it hasn’t been sweet since Sookie’s blood, and no other blood with ever be the same.

He craves company tonight but does not seek it. He sits in his fancy mansion with every desire at his finger tips, only to feel impotent and alone.

She lied to me, he thinks. She looked him in the eyes and lied, and he believed her; though, maybe for all he’s done, he’s deserved far worse.

She’s making him pay for it too. Sookie prefers Eric now, and Bill can think of no greater punishment.

sookie, bill, true blood, bill/sookie, eric/sookie, drabble

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