Inuyasha, "Battle of the Sexes" ensemble

Aug 04, 2011 14:48

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Battle of the Sexes
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG
Word Count: 250
Genre: Humor
Characters: Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Kagome, Shippo
Warning: a surprise pairing
Notes: Written for the "OOC" prompt at iyissekiwa. Winner 1st place.

Summary: The girls have had enough.

Tempers were wearing thin that day. After several irritating incidents, the girls were in no mood for the male element. Of course, Miroku and Inuyasha weren’t doing anything they didn’t normally do; Miroku still accosted Sango sporadically, and Inuyasha bullied Shippo and barked at them to walk faster.

It was hot too, which didn’t help matters. Finally, the boys’ habits just got tiresome and the girls had enough.

Settling down around a campfire, no one said anything except for a few terse words about their next day. Shippo was impatient for a story from Kagome, and frankly, she wasn’t in the mood. Miroku braved a perverted remark regarding them in the hot spring, and Sango sent him a glare that almost turned him into a stone statue. Inuyasha looked longingly at the dark forest, and since Kagome was insecure already, she could only assume he wished that he was with Kikyou now rather than her.

Next to her, Kagome started when Sango launched her ramen cup into the fire and let out a loud, exasperated grunt before glaring at Miroku again.

Kagome turned to Sango, and the two girls nodded. The boys stared at them, sensing their obvious conspiring. Then, Kagome leaned close, and they heard an audible gasp as Sango captured Kagome’s lips with hers. They broke apart with an loud smack, and they turned to the boys with angry eyes.

“See? We don’t need you! And if that scares you, at least appreciate us a little bit more!”

kagome, sango/kagome, miroku, challenge, sango, inuyasha

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