Heroes, "Grave New World" ensemble, rated R [5/5]

Sep 26, 2010 12:40

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Grave New World
Chapter Title: Epilogue: Birth of the Destroyer
Author: paynesgrey
Artist: rebelle_elle
Type: Gen, Het, Darkfic
Word Count: ~21,000
Rating: R
Characters: Sylar, Elle, Noah, Sandra, Claire, Peter, Angela, Rene (the Haitian), Noah Jr., Nathan, OCs
Pairings: Noah/Sandra, Sylar/Elle, implied Peter/Claire, Claire/Rene
Warnings violence, torture, character death, implied incest

Notes: This is a supposed future after Nathan's press conference at the end of Season 2 that lead up to the events of "I am Become Death" in Season 3. AU. Done for heroes_bigboom. Thank you to rtwofan for the beta job and rebelle_elle for her artwork contribution.

Summary: After Nathan Petrelli’s revelation, the world panics and rejects people with special abilities. As fear and darkness spread, those who were once villains become the victims, a family is destroyed, and an innocent woman is forced to fight.

Artwork: Link

Other URLs: FFnet | AO3

Epilogue: Birth of the Destroyer

One Year Later...

Her black heels clicked against the slick tile floors as she marched through the building, heading for one special office in mind. Leather creaked and shifted around her body, and she felt her dark ponytail swish like a pendulum on the back of her head. She saw people looking at her curiously, and whispers lifted behind her as she walked toward the front. She kept her gaze ahead, and she smirked a little to give the onlookers an intimidating view.

Claire Bennet had been training to be an operative for more than a year. She had hid in the shadows, learning the ropes of a now extinct Company from the only man she had come to trust beyond her late father and estranged uncle. The Haitian was her only friend, her confidante, and sometime in the last six months, he had become her reluctant lover.

It only showed her persuasive she was. She was a natural, and she knew that she’d be very good at her job.

She’d been on the run for years, but she admitted to being tired of it. Her exasperation caused a lap in judgment, and someone who could run faster had caught up with her and pulled her back onto the grid. Instead of instant execution, she was given two choices: she could become a prisoner and tried as a terrorist, or she could become a government agent who kept unruly specials in line. Obviously, the latter was more appealing.

Plus, she knew she was always destined to be an agent. Her father had shielded her from it in her youth, but after his death and with Rene’s training, she knew she would follow in his footsteps and continue his work.

When she found out who was offering her the position, she was even more eager to accept the job.
She breezed past his frantic secretary, and one cold look forced Nathan’s secret service guards aside. She opened the door and stepped inside confidently, giving her birth father a wide smile.

“Senator Nathan Petrelli,” she said with a lilt of mockery. “I’m here for my interview.”

“Claire,” he said breathlessly, as her voice drew him away from his paperwork. She watched as he looked her up and down, and she almost laughed at how creepy it made her feel. Maybe it was something she could use to her advantage. She didn’t feel much these days, so Nathan’s reaction was more than alluring. He shook himself out of his trance and met her eyes. “There’s no need for an interview.” He flashed her that winning, politician’s smile. “Please sit.”

“I’ll stand,” she said, crossing her arms. She turned around and nodded her head, and Rene moved inside Nathan’s office like a shadow, finding a place at Claire’s side. “We accept the job.”

Nathan chuckled. “That’s fast. Don’t you want to talk about terms?”

“Oh yes, there are terms, believe me,” Claire said. “First, I want to know about this formula. When are you releasing it?”

“It’ll reach the market in three months. Congress just passed the regulations for it.”

“Ah, but it’s already on the market. I’ve seen some people already claim to use it,” Claire said.
Nathan raised an eyebrow. “Yes, some senators and house members bravely volunteered to try the second trials.”

Claire began pacing his room, fiddling with the ostentatious trinkets on his desk. “Yet, I’m assuming that there was no bravery needed. You had already experimented on soldiers before you let high government officials stick out their veins for it.”

“I see you’re keeping up with the underground news,” Nathan said with a toothy grin. “Like father, like daughter.”

Claire shot him a glare, and his smile somewhat wilted. “I have my sources,” she said, slamming down the picture with his current and second wife, Tracy.

“I knew you would be perfect for this job,” he said, standing up. “I have high hopes for you, Claire.” He held out his hand, and Claire looked at Rene, and then back at Nathan.

She stared at his hand for a moment as thoughts and plans blazed around in her head. Nathan waited, and soon a small smile tugged at the lips on her face. She shook his hand roughly before drawing away. Nathan came around his desk, stopping in front of her.

“I’ve missed you,” he said lightly, and Claire tilted her head and rested her hand on his bicep.

“Me too,” she said, and he drew her into a hug. She felt his warm breath against her as he sighed. “I’ve wanted to see you for so long.”

“I know, and I’m sorry you had to go through all that,” he said, and Claire chuckled.

“They hunted me and you let them call me a wanted terrorist,” she said, withdrawing from his embrace. She met his eyes with a dangerous stare. “I should kill you for that.”

Nathan’s smile disappeared, and he scrutinized her. Claire scoffed. “Please, I wasn’t serious.”
She watched as Nathan swallowed uncomfortably and offered a cautious smile. “I’m glad to see you’ve kept a sense of humor after all this time.”

Her smile was so forced she wanted to scream. She held her control and walked back toward Rene. “Yes, it is. Now, where can are we staying?”

“Ah, Daphne will show you to your rooms.”

“Room,” Claire clarified coldly. “Rene and I stay together. Always.”

Nathan furrowed his brow slightly. “I see.” Claire shot him a challenging look. He’d never been a father to her before, so she dared him to try to disapprove of her relationship with Rene. Nathan seemed rattled by it, but gently shrugged it off and his demeanor oozed into business as usual.

“When do we start?” Claire asked over her shoulder just as they were about to leave.

“First thing tomorrow morning. You’re getting our best case,” Nathan said, and Claire pivoted her body and met his expression, searching for the origin of his sudden anticipation.

“Oh, don’t leave us in suspense,” Claire said cheekily. “Give us a spoiler.”

“You’re first assignment is to hunt down Sylar,” Nathan said with a sneer. “Or as we know him, your uncle and my long-lost brother.”

Claire’s wicked grin put Nathan’s to shame. “I always did enjoy family reunions.”

As Claire and Rene left Nathan’s office, she looked around Pinehearst and suddenly felt a sense of home. She hadn’t had a real home in years, not since Costa Verde. While she was on the run, she had wandered so much she felt like a ghost, with no foundation and nowhere to belong. Her parents were gone, and she hadn’t talked to her uncle in months. When she did see him, things weren’t always pleasant, and she began to feel she’d rather avoid him then have to listen to another one of his sanctimonious lectures about her training and fighting.

She wondered what Peter would think of her now as a Pinehearst agent. She supposed he wouldn’t approve. Then again, it wasn’t Peter’s decision on how she lived her life. He’d never understand anyway.

She was the daughter of a Company man, and now that her father was dead, it behooved her to continue his legacy.

To Claire, this was the natural progression of things - to live her life beyond her greatest potential, and foremost, she would fight for the one true desire that bubbled fiercely within her core. Someday, with Pinehearst’s resources, she would fulfill her deepest and most elusive revenge.


Chapters: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four

heroes, grave new world, peter/claire, sandra bennet, peter, claire/rene, sylar/elle, rene, elle, claire, heroes big boom, noah/sandra, completed fics, sylar, noah bennet

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