Heroes, "Grave New World" ensemble, rated R [3/5]

Sep 26, 2010 12:34

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Grave New World
Chapter Title: The Ascendants
Author: paynesgrey
Artist: rebelle_elle
Type: Gen, Het, Darkfic
Word Count: ~21,000
Rating: R
Characters: Sylar, Elle, Noah, Sandra, Claire, Peter, Angela, Rene (the Haitian), Noah Jr., Nathan, OCs
Pairings: Noah/Sandra, Sylar/Elle, implied Peter/Claire, Claire/Rene
Warnings violence, torture, character death, implied incest

Notes: This is a supposed future after Nathan's press conference at the end of Season 2 that lead up to the events of "I am Become Death" in Season 3. AU. Done for heroes_bigboom. Thank you to rtwofan for the beta job and rebelle_elle for her artwork contribution.

Summary: After Nathan Petrelli’s revelation, the world panics and rejects people with special abilities. As fear and darkness spread, those who were once villains become the victims, a family is destroyed, and an innocent woman is forced to fight.

Artwork: Link

Other URLs: FFnet | AO3

Part Three: The Ascendants

Noah Bennet turned the corner as he ran. He followed footsteps; they were quick yet soft, and he imagined them belonging to someone small, possibly not dangerous, but someone who would still give him information on this place regardless.

He quickened his pace, and he heard his target open a metal door, exiting the facility through the back. He started to catch up, his feet clanking on the metal stairs before they met dirt, and continued to run again to stop the woman who was frantically running ahead of him. As she ran, her pace started to slow, and suddenly she stopped when she realized she had nowhere else to go other than the wasteland of the desert. The winds picked up, and Noah could taste sand pebbles on his tongue.

“Stop! Please don’t hurt me! I’m only a nurse,” she said, with tears streaming down her face. Noah continued to aim his gun at her, but he started to lower his weapon cautiously as he realized her terror and distress. When she turned around, the baby she was cradling in her bosom started to whimper and cry.

“Please, I only worked for him. I did as I was told,” she sobbed, and he watched as she pushed her dark hair out of her face, and clutched the baby tightly to her, protective of the gun. Noah put up a hand, and he started to lower the gun.

“That’s not your baby,” he said bluntly. “Give me the child and you can go.”

She shook her head. “You don’t understand. I can’t go...” She pulled the baby away from her chest and started to wince, her sobs increasing. Noah’s eyes widened when he saw blood on her side. She was holding on as long as she could for the baby’s strength, and now the wet nurse was obviously losing her strength. “The mother, she’s in there. Her name is Elle.”

Delicately, Noah took the child from her and the woman started to fall to her knees. The baby started to wail, and Noah held him close after keeping his gun at his side, ready for the original threats to come back. He looked at the woman with pity as she fell to the ground, breathing heavily as blood poured from her wound. “The authorities should be hear soon. They can help you.”

“It’s too late for me,” she said, and Noah wanted to disagree with her, at least comfort this woman even though she was probably right. “Please take care of the baby. Give him back to his mother.”
Noah Bennet pursed his lips, watching the woman as he walked backward toward the building, and then heading back to Rene. He surveyed the area again quickly before going back inside the doorway, shutting it behind him.

“I found him,” Noah said as he met up with Rene, still watching Sylar who was still restrained to the table, but he was more conscious and alert, and by the look on Rene’s face, it appeared as though Sylar had tried to engage in conversation. “I say we get out of here. I think everyone else has left. We bring Elle, and...” He turned to Sylar who looked at him anxiously. “I say we leave him here. He’s better here than out there.”

“Wait!” Sylar protested, and he pulled at his restraints as Rene’s power still subdued them. “You can’t just leave me here!”

Noah turned to him with his trademark Company Man smile. “Oh, I think we can.”

Sylar seethed at him. “I won’t be experimented on for another two years! Noah, listen to me. I’m going to change. You have to believe me. I won’t hurt anyone anymore! I know... I know what it’s like to be weak, helpless.”

Noah paced around the room, bouncing the baby affectionately against him. “Why should I believe you, Sylar? You couldn’t possibly ever change. Don’t insult our intelligence. You’re bargaining.”

“Maybe it looks like that, but there’s something you don’t know,” Sylar snarled at him. “That child you’re holding is mine, and I want him. I’m going to take care of him when I get out of here.”
Noah stopped and his smile disappeared. “This boy is yours?”

“Yes, they took my... it was one of their experiments,” he answered.

“But this baby is Elle’s as well. She’s still alive.” Noah turned to Rene with a cheeky smile. “Sounds like a case for the courts.”

“Don’t joke about this! I didn’t want this either, but they forced me... they forced us to make this child,” Sylar said, and before Noah could make another lewd retort, Sylar continued. “Our baby wasn’t made in the traditional way, but he’s still mine, and I’m going to take responsibility.”

“No.” Everyone turned around to the voice in the door. Elle staggered in, resting her body against the frame. “He’s my child. I gave birth to him.” She gave Sylar a dangerous glare. “I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

Sylar inhaled a deep breath, ready to fight, but suddenly the building shook. A helicopter was heard hovering above.

“We’ll deal with this later,” Noah said, and he quickly, he started to release Sylar’s restraints. He shot the ex-prisoner a look of pure warning. “If you try anything and endanger that child by harming one of us, I will personally put a bullet right between your eyes, do you understand?”

“Got it,” Sylar said quickly, throwing him a sneer. “Now shall we go? It would be a lot easier without him around.” He said, referring to Rene. The accused man said nothing, and he turned to Elle to help her lean against him. He ignored Sylar, and offered to carry the wounded woman as they made their escape. Elle nodded, and Rene lifted her up and cradled her in his arms.

“Let us move,” the Haitian said, and Noah shot Sylar another look as he followed the Haitian cautiously, as Bennet with the baby trailed them from behind.

“Where are we going,” Sylar asked, and he followed Rene to a black van hidden behind an abandoned shack amongst the cluster of buildings at the compound. They ducked inside, and as the helicopter started to land, Rene hopped into the driver seat, turned on the vehicle and slammed on the gas, speeding out of there and leaving the Coyote Sands facility in the dust. A sandstorm fortuitously formed behind them, covering their stealthy escape.

As they blended into the darkness of the silent desert road, Noah turned to Sylar who was looking down at the baby against his chest, ignoring Elle’s glare. Noah sighed, and he turned to Elle. “Are you well enough to hold him?”

She hesitated, surprised by his question, and she seemed frightened at first at the thought of holding her own son.

“I’ll hold him,” Sylar said, becoming impatient with Elle’s indecision.

“No!” she exclaimed, and she flung her arms out toward Noah as he handed her the baby. Elle let out a half sob as the infant cradled against her chest, cooing at the feel of her warmth. The baby started to settle down in his mother’s arms, and Noah looked away as Elle shifted uncomfortably in her seat, and he granted her the privacy to have time with her baby on her own. He couldn’t imagine what she had went through. Elle had done some pretty bad things in the past, but she’d been his partner once, and he knew of the torture her father had put her through that made her the woman she was today. She was definitely unstable, and he almost feared the fact that she was the mother now, and if the child was safe in her care.

It would be easier if he knew more about such things, but he had a feeling two years of torture had changed her somewhat. He could already tell in her behavior. Something wasn’t right about her. This Elle was broken and unsure, soft and wounded like a kitten.

Even Sylar was acting questionable. Just what did they do to them at that place?

Noah turned to Sylar and caught him staring at Elle and his child. There was an indescribable expression on the man’s face, one Noah had never seen. He looked entranced by the mother of his child. He looked strangely happy and hopeful, and it was like he had rescued two different people rather than the infamous Sylar and Elle.

“You never answered my question,” Sylar said in a hushed tone, and though he was speaking to Noah, he kept his eyes affixed on the mother and child.

Noah sighed and he loosened the tie around his neck. “Costa Verde, my place,” he said through gritted teeth. He saw Rene catch his eye in the rearview mirror before turning his attention back to the road. “I don’t know how I’m going to convince my wife of this, but with the government on your tails, I don’t know where else to go.”

“Won’t they know to follow you? I’m sure that facility had cameras,” Sylar said.

Noah shook his head. “We scrambled all technology before we set off the bombs. Everything was fried.”

“But Dr. Crabtree saw you,” Elle said as her little son sucked on her finger. “He’ll tell the government. You’ll put your family in danger.”

Noah nodded. “Which is why I have to go back. They’ll come after my family anyway. I need to be there to protect them. I also think we’ll call in some backup. Rene will give Peter a call once we get there.”

“I wouldn’t underestimate Dr. Crabtree if I were you,” Elle said. “He’ll want to clean up his mess.”

“Elle’s right,” Sylar said, and instantly it felt weird to Noah for having Sylar on his side. “Dr. Crabtree may have liked to experiment on people with abilities, but he had a few favorites. I know at least one special he spared and kept around him like a dog.”

“I saw him too.” Elle shuddered a little, and her son noticed her distress. She turned back to him with a big smile and made a few noises to make him laugh. The baby seemed to forget about her mother’s recent fears.

“We’ll be ready for him,” Noah said confidently, and he turned to Sylar with a mysterious smirk. “I’m sure you want revenge as well.”

Sylar scowled. “I told you I’m going to change.” Elle scoffed lightly. “I want to make it right by our son,” he said to her directly, and Noah watched Elle’s mouth open and close in mild surprise. Yet, the surprise died when Sylar grinned maliciously and added, “Of course, I start after I take care of the good doctor.”

Noah sighed. “I knew it.”

Sylar turned to him with a dark frown. “You know nothing at all, Noah.” Sylar’s gaze broke from his tiny family and he stared out the window, his mind elsewhere, and Noah supposed that whatever he was thinking, he was probably drowning in memories of the last two years.

The van ride to Costa Verde was dead quiet the rest of the way back.


“I just got word from Rene,” Peter said, and he took a seat next to Claire on the bed in the motel they checked into last night. That night they were hiding somewhere in southern Mississippi, which Peter had called the perfect state to hide in.

The TV blared, and Claire nodded as her attention was focused on the recent news. “Look at this,” Claire said, and they both became entranced as the news anchor reported a breaking story.

“Domestic terrorism has hit a local facility in Coyote Sands, Arizona, which was undergoing research for persons with special abilities. This harmless, scientific facility was attacked sometime around 9 o’clock that night, by what authorities are calling a skilled, professional job, as all technology records were erased, and much of the building was damaged by smoke and fire. Police are finding a few casualties of some of the scientists that worked there, but all of the special persons detained there for their risky abilities have escaped.

“The White House immediately issued a statement saying they would deal with these terrorists accordingly, and they would find these dangerous individuals and detain them immediately.”

Claire snorted. “Harmless facility my ass. They’re really pumping up the fear mongering.”

“You know how it is, Claire. A majority of Americans are still unaffected by abilities. Majority wins, and if they’re scared, the minority loses.”

“So what do you think? It was my dad, wasn’t it?” Claire said, and before Peter could answer him, she watched his gaping stare at the TV.

The reporter continued, “Federal Authorities are convinced that these string of terrorist attacks are the work of the same group, a band of dangerous enhanced persons defying the government’s comprehensive classification and study on these abilities. Authorities are linking this attack on Coyote Sands with the last large attack in Peoria, IL, where much evidence had been discovered and analyzed on the leading perpetrators of these attacks. Here is a sketch of one of the leaders of this rebellion, which is currently on the No-Fly and most wanted list by the FBI. If you see this woman, please call this number immediately and let the police know.”

“Holy shit,” Claire said, and Peter met her shocked eyes. “How did they get my picture? We’ve been so careful!”

“Someone must have saw you,” he said, but Peter knew that it wasn’t true. Somehow, Claire’s image was leaked. Someone was baiting them, most likely trying to get to him more than Claire. Peter was quick to accuse Nathan, but he didn’t want to believe it in his heart.

“Well, we can’t do anything about it. We have to be more careful. We leave tomorrow. I’ll give Rene a call back and I’m going to ask your dad on what he wants me to do.” He met Claire’s face, and he noticed that she looked distressed. He blinked and noticed the color of her hair, and he got an idea. “In the meantime, you need a disguise.” He moved toward the nightstand and grabbed his wallet as he headed for the door. “Stay here, I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?” she asked, looking anxiously.

“I’m going to the store. I’m going to grab a few things for our trip tomorrow. I’ll be back.” Peter gave Claire a pleading look, which told her she shouldn’t even think about leaving. He slammed the door behind him, and Claire sank into the bed, frowning as the loneliness of their room started to seep inside her.


When Peter returned, Claire jumped up from the bed, anxious to see what he had in the bag. He pulled out a box of hair color, and he handed it to her with a crooked smile.
“It’s time to go incognito,” he said, and Claire grinned.

“Dark auburn. This isn’t really my style,” Claire said.

“Which means it’s perfect. Now, go do your hair. I have to make a phone call,” Peter said, and Claire nodded, knowing that he had to call Rene back. She was almost scared at what her dad and the Haitian wanted, and she wondered if they were calling her home. If Claire was on the most wanted list, she was sure her dad wouldn’t risk her coming home, and the hiding would only continue. She pouted at her reflection after she closed herself in the bathroom. She sighed. It wasn’t fair. Why was she the most wanted? Someone was protecting Peter and selling her out, and by Peter’s mood, he was angrier than she was about it. She was sure her dad was furious.

She opened the box and laid out the instructions by the sink. It sucked how small this hotel bathroom was, but she would make due of course. She took another deep breath and started mixing the colors.

In less than an hour, Claire Bennet would no longer be blonde.


“That attack in Arizona was your father,” Peter said as Claire came out of the bathroom. She had already washed the color out of her hair, and she wrinkled her nose at the smell in the bathroom after she dried it. Peter saw it, and his somber face exploded into a quick grin.

“It looks good on you,” he said, and Claire tilted her head, feeling that familiar flutter in her stomach every time Peter complimented her.

“It’s different,” she said with a snort. “I suppose I should borrow your clothes too, just to cover all bases on this disguise.”

One of Peter’s eyebrows rose slightly. “I suppose you could do that. When we leave we can go to that Harley store we passed by.”

“Dark hair and leather...I’m sensing an ulterior motive,” Claire said, unaware she was flirting so much. She caught Peter as he pursed his lips, and he started to look down awkwardly at the phone in his hand.

“Uh, Claire.... there’s something I have to tell you,” Peter said, and felt a twist in her stomach. “Rene’s coming to get you, and then you’re going into hiding and resuming the training I gave you with him. I won’t be hiding with you anymore. Tomorrow afternoon he meets us.” Peter cautiously met her hurt eyes. “I have to go help Noah and your family. They’re sure they’re being targeted, especially after someone they failed to stop at Coyote Sands. I have to protect them.”

Claire blew out a breath. She lifted her chin. “Okay.” It was only inevitable. Whenever she and Peter got too close, some force of nature or fate always tore them apart.

“Also... there’s something else you should know. When Noah and Rene liberated that camp in Coyote Sands, they rescued Sylar and Elle,” Peter said quickly, and Claire felt her mouth gape open.


“They were experimented on, and they’re in bad shape.” Peter paused, and Claire could see him struggling with his words.

“Just spit it out, Peter!”

“Elle was forced to have Sylar’s baby,” Peter said awkwardly.

Claire paused. She didn’t know whether to laugh or rage. “What the hell, Peter? What does that even have to... just...? WHAT?”

“They’re staying with your dad. When they left the facility, Noah had no choice but to go back home in case someone went after your mom and brother. He had to take Sylar, Elle and the baby with him. Uh, your mom insisted Elle stay with the baby, considering her state.” Claire’s eyes bulged. “Sylar refuses to leave Elle and the baby. He insists that he’s changed, but Noah is pretty much sleeping with one eye open.”

Claire began to wave her arms and pace the room erratically. “Are you telling me that Elle and Sylar are staying at my house? With my family?” she roared, and Peter winced from the tone of her voice.

“That’s what I’m saying. This is why Noah needs my help. Not only does he need protection from the government coming for him, but he’s also not sure about Sylar,” Peter answered.

“Well, duh! What is he thinking?” Claire clenched her fists, and she stormed throughout their room, and she kicked the trash can in the corner. Peter rushed over to her, trying to calm her down.

“Hey! Settle down! I know you’re mad, but we don’t need the attention,” he said, stroking her back as he pulled her into his arms. His touch seemed to soothe her, and reluctantly Claire pulled away, and she felt tears brimming in her eyes.

“I know,” she said, and she sighed and began walking to the beds. She settled down in the bed that Peter claimed, but he didn’t stop her. She fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling as he followed her lead, and he fell back next to her. He took her hand into his.

“I don’t have a good feeling about this,” Claire said. Peter squeezed her hand, and she wished that he wasn’t leaving her tomorrow. Although, truthfully she was glad that he was leaving to protect her family.

“I don’t either, but we can do something about it,” Peter said. Claire turned her head and looked at him, and he move to his side, meeting her eyes.

“Peter, I think I need to tell you something before you leave tomorrow.” She shifted her body, turning on her side. He turned to face her, and they stared at each other in silence for a moment before she continued. “You remember the first time we met? When you saved me?”

He crinkled his brow a little and laughed. “Yeah, how could I forget?”

“I fell in love with you then,” she said, soft as a whisper. He stared at her hard, his mouth slightly open with surprise. “I know, I know, it’s weird now, and I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not. I never stopped loving you. I’m glad you’re my family. It’s better this way, but sometimes...” She closed her eyes and she felt a tear streak down her cheek. “Sometimes I wonder...”

“Yeah...” he said in a heavy breath. She met his eyes again, and she smiled despite the awkwardness in the room, the tension that she created.

“Let me stay next to you tonight,” Claire asked softly, her tone almost pleading. Peter froze, watching her and searching her face for her true intentions. Truthfully, she just wanted to be held tonight, to feel safe from the monsters already looming around her life - and growing.

“Okay,” he said sternly, and Claire knew it was a warning that she shouldn’t try anything. “No more flirting. It’s getting weird.”

She chuckled. “Okay. Sorry.”

He rewarded her with a crooked smile, and she watched his body move and twist so he could shut the light off and then settle back down with her. She felt him shift closer, and soon she was resting her head against his chest. She closed her eyes and inhaled his scent, knowing this was the once and only privilege she’d ever get to hold Peter like this.

“You don’t suppose when we go to that Harley shop tomorrow we can stop at that gun store next door?” Claire asked offhandedly.

“Why do you need a gun? I’m the one who’s going to see Sylar,” Peter said, and Claire laughed.
“Of course, yes, I definitely meant getting a gun for you,” Claire said dryly, and Peter chuckled, hugging her close again.

“Goodnight, Claire,” Peter said, ending the conversation from continuing any further. Claire was fine with that, since she didn’t want him to change his mind and throw her out of is bed that night.

“‘Night, Peter,” she said against his warm chest. She felt him kiss the top of her head, and Claire released a lazy sigh.

Then, the two of them drifted into sleep, nestled in each other’s arms.


It was an odd predicament. Noah had to pinch himself a few times before he truly believed what was happening, and what he was seeing with his own eyes.

He supposed being tortured and experimented on really could change people.

Of course, like his wife, he wasn’t so quick to accept Sylar into his home; however, Elle was a different story. Though her behavior and sanity was as questionable as Sylar’s, she had been his partner at one time and now she was a mother, and that was enough for Sandra to accept her. Mostly, his wife didn’t want the mother and child to be separated by the government. He could understand that as well.

As for Sylar, she would only accept him because she knew the danger he had put them in, and with a quick phone call, she shipped Lyle off to his aunt while she stayed with Noah (against his wishes for he wanted her to go to her sister’s as well) and she took interest in helping Elle with the baby. More than anything, Noah knew Sandra stayed so one of them could be awake long enough to watch Sylar and take turns. The thought made him smile. His wife was often craftier than people gave her credit for.

Sylar must have picked up on their little game, and though he insisted he wasn’t going to hurt them, he merely rolled his eyes at them both and left, saving his energy to appeal to the mother of his child that he was worthy to be a part of his son’s life.

Noah left them be, and he watched Sylar disappear out the back door where Elle and their son was, looking up at a clear sky sprinkled with stars.

“There you are,” he said lightly, but she turned around to scowl at him before turning her attention back to the sky. Sylar ignored her animosity and chose to sat beside her. He looked down at their son sleeping soundly in her arms, and Sylar felt a sense of longing, yet he was happy and hopeful, two feelings he hadn’t ever felt without darkness following him.

“You killed my father, right after you escaped Mohinder’s lab last year. Doctor Crabtree told me about it. You killed my father right before the government agents took you away,” Elle said tersely. “I’m just not going to forgive you for that.”

“Nor should you, like I will never forgive you for helping the Company turn me into a monster,” Sylar responded, and she tuned to glare at him, and he grinned at her. She knew what he was talking about.

“Never in a million years would I think about having a kid with you,” she said with a heavy sigh, but her voice trailed off. “But we were both used. I at least understand you there.”

“Elle, I’m not asking you to like me or marry me. I know that would never happen,” Sylar said.
“Good,” she said, and she turned around and zapped him with a quick charge. Sylar jumped, his anger rising as she pointed her finger at him, daring him to act. He scowled at her and relaxed his body, resisting the temptation.

“You wanted to hurt me there, didn’t you?” she said with a smug laugh. “I really wonder if you can change.”

He was about to say something, but the baby’s movement swayed his attention. Both he and Elle looked down, and his son was waking up, turning his sleepy eyes to them both. He yawned awkwardly and moved his hand, reaching out in Sylar’s direction. Hesitantly, Sylar moved his hand toward his son’s, and he let the infant take a small grip around his index finger.

Sylar laughed, smiling widely as Elle watched him with both shock and caution.

“He’s strong already,” Sylar said. “I already know he’s going to be special.”

“He is special,” Elle snapped at him. “He doesn’t even need powers for that.”

Sylar paused, his mouth left open gaping. He was remembering something, a memory both faded and numb. His mother’s voice rang in his ears, not his real mother - the other one.

“Yes, of course. Well?” He turned to Elle and wiggled his finger, still in his son’s grasp. “What are we naming him?”

“You don’t get to make that decision,” Elle said selfishly, and Sylar tilted his head, throwing her a reproachful look.

“I think I have a say. He’s a part of me too. Are we going to keep having this argument?”

“You didn’t give birth to him! Not in that place. All they did to you was strap you to a table and drug you. You don’t know what they did to me!” Elle fumed at him, and Sylar was trying hard to keep his calm. His son let go of his finger as he was noticing his mother’s distress. He started to whimper.

“You have no idea what they really did to me. They didn’t just strap me to a table.” Sylar tried to keep his breathing even, controlled. “I’m sorry for what they did to you, that you had to have our son alone and against your will, but there’s no use blaming me for those things now. I’m telling you I want to help you. I want to be a part of his life.”

“I don’t want you to!” She stood up quickly, and Sylar tried to grab her, but she turned around and a threatening blue charge rolled in her palm. “Don’t.”

“Elle, please, listen. You and I both have parental issues. Our childhoods weren’t exactly normal nor perfect!” he screamed, and she stood there long enough to listen; only she looked away from him, glaring at the grass. “Let’s not let our son go through that. He will, if he doesn’t have a father.”

“I’ll find him a new father!” she said.

“Listen to yourself!” he screamed.

“I can’t believe you! Listen to you! Are you really Sylar?” Before he could react, she’d shot a bolt of lightning at him, and it charged through his body like a wildfire. He groaned in pain, doubling over as Elle looked at him, quickly regretful of what she did, and when she wanted to retreat, Noah Bennet came behind them with a hot mug of tea in his hand. He grinned at them both.
Sylar struggled to keep his body upright, and he glared at Elle and then Noah.

“I see the happy couple is getting along nicely,” Noah said.

Elle threw him a nasty look. “Shut up, Bennet.”

“Now, now, is that anyway to talk to your host? Listen, stop using your powers or the neighbors are going to call the government,” he said warningly, and Elle looked away sheepishly, knowing she did bad.

“Now I’m no lawyer or anything, but I hate to side with Sylar here,” he said, cringing. His expression was full of distaste, but he took a sip of his hot drink and the animosity faded. “This is not the time for disputes, especially for you two. The government is after you, and if your son is special, then he’s in more danger than you are. He needs powerful people to protect him.” He gave both Sylar and Elle a hard look.

Elle sighed heavily. “I don’t like this! I didn’t ask for this!”

“Yeah, well, neither did I, blondie,” Sylar said dryly, his voice still shaky as he wobbled with pain. He finally made it to his feet, and he started walking toward her. He held out his somewhat charred hand as a peace offering. “Truce? Now that you’ve fried my ass and I didn’t rip open your skull, which should stand for something.”

Elle looked down at his outstretched hand with disdain. She shifted the baby against her and slowly reached out to agree to his truce. As their hands touched, the baby moved, and he clapped his hands together in a jubilant gesture, leaving both of his parents speechless for a minute. Suddenly, an errant blue current streamed from Elle’s hand and followed into Sylar’s. He watched it with awe, waiting for the inevitable charge to rock his nerves. Nothing happened, and the blue charge disappeared. He pulled his hand away, looked at it, and gasped when the charge started buzzing at his fingertips.

He laughed. Sylar had Elle’s power, and they both looked at each other in pure shock, while their baby squealed in jubilation.

“Well, would you look at that? Sylar obtained another power and he didn’t have to kill anyone,” Noah remarked, and he took another Zen-like sip of his hot mug of tea and then ducked back into the house.


The Bennet family and their guests held their breaths as a week went by, but no one came for revenge. The government hadn’t shown up yet, and Noah was careful, with Sylar’s help, to look for bugs and potential stake-outs. The media made no report on them, even though it broke Sandra and Noah’s heart to see their daughter on the list of America’s most wanted, even though everyone, including Sylar and Elle, knew in their hearts she didn’t deserve it.

Noah did managed to talk to her briefly, but he knew that from this point on, she had to stay off the grid, which meant fewer calls - even on a prepaid phone. He heard from her when Peter and Rene met up in a small town in Missouri, and Claire had bragged (mostly to cover her tears) that she had changed her appearance to look like a new person, even if it meant dying her hair, thickening her makeup, and wearing outrageous clothing she’d never think to wear before.

“I’m wearing leather, Dad,” she said with a light-hearted laugh, a tone he had missed in her voice. “I know this is totally TMI, but leather sticks to your skin, all of your skin.”

Noah told her he missed her, he loved her, and he hoped to see her soon.

“Dad, when can I come home? I really miss you,” she said tiredly. “I wish...I wish nobody ever knew about us. I used to think things would be better if everyone knew, that I wouldn’t have to hide any more, but now I know... I was wrong.”

“I know sweetheart. I’m sorry,” was all he said to her question. The truth was Noah Bennet didn’t know if his daughter could ever come home.

“Rene will take care of you now, and when he thinks it’s safe, you can call me on a protected line. Just lay low for now,” he said, and he heard her sniffled and hold back her sobs on the other end.

“I will. You stay safe. I know you will be if Peter is coming for you.” Noah heard her laugh through her sobs. “Even Elle might protect you. Hell hath no fury like a sociopath who just gave birth.”

Noah chuckled, and reluctantly, after a few more “I love yous” and goodbyes, he let his daughter go.

Chapters: Part One | Part Two | Part Four | Epilogue

heroes, grave new world, peter/claire, sandra bennet, peter, claire/rene, sylar/elle, rene, elle, claire, heroes big boom, noah/sandra, completed fics, sylar, noah bennet

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