Sentence Meme Part 4 - Dollhouse, Fringe, Castle, Crossovers

Sep 17, 2009 14:30

Last post of the sentence memes.

Fandom: Castle

Beckett & Castle

Kate Beckett wanted him to suffer her rejections; Castle had rudely wedged himself into her life, and though she fought his advances and promised to continue doing so, she wondered if she really didn’t mind him being around, and she was too scared to think of how she would feel if he wasn’t.


Fandom: Dollhouse


Boyd let out a strained breath as the whip snapped close to his ear, and Echo’s dominatrix imprint laughed wildly at him, jeering at his lack of spine; Boyd, of course, was not going to fight the woman with her boot on his back.

Fandom: Fringe


Astrid realized Peter was staring at her, and she didn’t know what he found particularly interesting about her lab gear, but he grinned at her and made her laugh when he said, “You look so much better in these safety glasses than I do.”



(Harry Potter/Avatar)
Harry Potter + Aang:

“I can’t believe people think I love Ginny because I have a mother complex,” Harry complained, taking another swig of this weird looking yet intoxicating substance, and his new friend Aang patted him on the shoulder and murmured his sympathy as the two boys shared in each other’s misery.

Elle Bishop/Peter Bishop:

Peter was about to feed her a line, but then she zapped him with electricity, and much to his dismay, this tasty blonde claimed to be his cousin Elle; which figured, he thought, since he didn’t seem to have much luck with blondes.

(True Blood/Twilight)
Eric vs. Edward

The pathetic scum had the gall to call himself a vampire, and though Eric had no idea what kind of creature he was, he took care of him quite quickly, and his only downfall seemed to be that he’d be picking sparkles out of his teeth for weeks.


Josef’s eyes tore away from Adam’s bare chest as he looked into his bright eyes, and he couldn’t help be amused as he bore his neck without a single quip; instead, Adam smirked playfully at him, and the vampire almost jumped when the immortal snaked his hand behind him and gave his bottom cheek a hearty squeeze.

(Harry Potter/Inuyasha)
Lord Voldemort and Naraku

“Ha! I won your tentacles,” Lord Voldemort crowed happily, showing his five aces, and Naraku groaned in defeat as he handed them over; poker in Hell really sucked, he thought, because it was always guaranteed and acceptable that everyone would cheat.

heroes, dollhouse, moonlight, crossover, inuyasha, avatar, fringe, castle, true blood, twilight, sentence meme, harry potter

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