Sentence Meme Part 3 - Merlin, Heroes, Star Trek XI

Sep 17, 2009 14:21

Sentence Meme continued:

Fandom: Merlin


He could be insufferable, and on some days Morgana had loathed him, but when she ended up in his tender arms under the Ostara full moon, she realized those past days were nothing more than practice for a love that could endure.

The course of time shifted here, when Arthur cornered her on a balcony under the red moon and told her that no matter what Fate would say, he’d marry her, make love to her forever, and even if she refused him, he would still have her, but Morgana made no move to deny him; she loved him beyond his words.


When she came to him, he argued that he was a student himself, and he couldn’t teach her, but as Morgana leaned against him and said “please” in a breathy, desperate tone, Merlin just couldn’t say no.


They leave the castle grounds that night to perform the sacred rites, and though both are nervous, Morgana is adamant to invoke the power of the Goddess to help her with her visions, and Merlin is the only one who understands her, the only one she can bare her body and soul.


He quickly saw the jealousy in Arthur’s eyes as he caught them, barely clothed and romping through the hay; even Morgana seemed mildly shocked, and Merlin felt oddly obligated to follow her as she jumped to her feet and hurried after him.


Morgana woke shivering as a woman’s cackle echoed through her head and chilled the marrow in her bones, but before Morgana could regain some semblance of sleep, the dark goddess gave her a warning that enchanted her soul and warmed her core: “It’s your time to ascend, Morgana le Fay; Avalon now belongs to you.”


Fandom: Heroes


He smelled of booze and something masculine as Claire pulled away his clothes, and as she shifted him onto the bed, the soft touch of his fingers through her hair almost made her forget that Nathan was her father.


Nathan pulled him into his arms, and Peter was grateful for times like these where their arguments soon became forgotten, not just because they were men in love, but because they were brothers in blood.


She hissed as his gentle fingers traced over the bones sticking out from her wound, and Claire put her hand over his as they pushed her ribs back in, together, for Peter was the only man she’d allow to do this, the only man who had a right to touch her inside.


The wind chime rang against the breeze, and when she turned around and met his dark eyes, Claire pulled the dress over her head and showed him that she called him here for a different reason.


Peter was taken aback by her pause, and as Tracy lifted her head from between his legs, she grinned as she met his eyes and said, “If it’s any consolation, you’re much bigger than he is.”


She felt good underneath him, like something that he’d always been denied and would never deserve, yet when he looked into her wavering eyes, he knew things were too good to be true - so, he lifted his finger and smelled blood as Elle weakly screamed against him.


She gripped his hand so tightly, she feared she’d break his bones, but his thumb caressed the top of her knuckles and she relaxed, and as Angela leaned against Noah (who was just as tense), she knew they were in this together.


Claire keeps a knife by her bedside when he fucks her, and she leaves it out plainly for him to see; Sylar finds it amusing, but Claire does it to remind him that though he may get her body, she still doesn’t trust him with her heart.

Claire unzips the body bag and leans over and gives him a kiss; she frowns at him as Sylar moans awake and she says, “I can’t take you anywhere, can I?”


Fandom: Star Trek: XI


Nyota Uhura was one who never broke the rules; she really had no reason too, but when her superior, Mr. Spock, had returned her impulsive feelings, Uhura knew the days of having a clean record had come to an end.

Bones/Nurse Chapel:

Nurse Chapel sighed during another boring day in Dr. McCoy’s lab, and as he droned for her to hand him a Tricorder, she thought she’d spice things up by replying, “Yes, doctor; I’m not wearing any underwear today, Doctor,” and then he promptly sputtered at her and dropped the Tricorder she just handed him.

Yeoman Rand:

Being transferred to the Enterprise was turning out to be the best thing to ever happen to her, and Janice Rand did not miss the curious, smoldering glances from male crew when she arrived (even from some of the female crew too), but her best achievement was catching the eye of such a high profile captain; of course, if he really wanted her, she wasn’t going to make it easy for him.


Uhura should have known the engineer would be good with his hands, so when he pushed her back onto the console in the late hours of the night, she closed her eyes and smiled after a sigh as his long, smooth fingers trailed up the delicate line of her inner thigh.


His clear eyes and challenging smile haunted him, testing his inner fury and confusing his senses; Spock found Jim Kirk curious and exasperating, but in their mutual understanding something deeper burgeoned there, enough to leave him craving more and letting other distractions fall away utterly cold.

merlin, heroes, sentence meme, star trek

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