Heroes, "Viceroy" Angela, rated PG

Aug 07, 2009 13:52

Fandom: Heroes
Title: Viceroy
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Angela, Nathan
Genre: General/Angst
Word Count: 302
Warnings/Spoilers: end of Season 3, Season 4 trailer spoilers
Notes: Written for the "Take" challenge at heroes_contest

Summary: Angela takes a deep breath; she can do this.

Angela tells herself to take a deep breath. “It’ll be okay.” She repeats the mantra, willing herself to believe it. She puts on smiles that tug the muscles in her face too far, feeling so fake and constricted that she’s ready to break.

She fears sleep. She doesn’t want to see the future, so she doesn’t dream. She tries to believe that she has this under control; with Matt Parkman and Noah Bennet’s help, they can control the monster that lives inside the shell of a man with her son’s shape.

Angela can do this. She gets used to the heavy ache of caffeine and the long sleepless nights. She overloads herself with book clubs, social gatherings and volunteer work so she can’t stop even a moment to think. She hides the evidence when Nathan displays his powers, and when he looks at her questioningly, she acts oblivious and tells him not to worry.

She pushes down revulsion when he kisses her on the cheek and embraces her, lovingly like a son should.

This is not my boy.

The tears come anyway; she can control everything else but that. She no longer has the power to control her heart, so she goes to bed early at night and locks her door. Angela sobs through the evening to early morning, muffled under the covers and pillows as she mourns her son’s death. She shuts her eyes tightly and tucks her hands under her body so she cannot see the blood.

The next morning she wakes up and Nathan smiles at her when breakfast is served. She hides her shaking hand under the table and smiles back.

She holds back a sob as he calls her Ma, and she reminds herself. Angela takes a deep breath.

She just has to get through another day.

heroes, nathan, genfic, angela

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