remember that time...

Feb 05, 2008 20:34

Yesterday I met up with a friend from college who I hadn't seen since the day we graduated. He emailed me out of the blue and said he was going to be in town. I was looking forward to seeing him but a little apprehensive about having nothing in common anymore - but then I remembered we'd never had much in common to begin with. :D
Within seconds I was mostly at ease with him, as he talked into the phone with his boss (in English) and mouthed at me (in Spanish) all manner of complaints about said boss. Somehow he managed to have a coherent conversation on the phone while informing me that he had just accepted another job and hadn't gotten around to quitting this one yet. Once I had his full attention we both prioritized picking pastries from the fabulous selection at the cafe. When we were both having trouble deciding between the chocolate concoctions with "decadent" and "ultimate" in their titles, laughed and ordered both - I felt truly at home. *happy sigh*
That boy is one of the most cheerful complainers I've ever met. It's fascinating to me how much he dislikes all manner of things he embraces, not just does, embraces. He was in town to recruit soon-to-be-grads from the school that tortured us, to work at the firm he couldn't wait to get away from. And I'm sure he's awesome at recruiting. He's good at fronting, but the complaints that always seep through are so honest and hilarious, and clearly give him so much enjoyment that he really seems positive. It's really amazing. And I just love him for being so negative, and so funny and conflicted and entirely consistent. <3

But the real moral of the story is that I love and miss my friends. I spoke to my BFF for the first time in months this weekend and that may be about the longest we've gone without talking in the nearly 3 decades we've been friends (except for the 3rd grade, but that's a whole other story).

I've been thinking about whether I am the person I want to be - you know, what else am I going to think about in the shower? And I know I have a looong way to go - and there are things I used to be that I've lost. Yesterday made me feel like maybe some stuff isn't lost, just put away in a non-obvious place. Maybe it'll be easier to regain those things than I think. I used to be a close and active friend. It would be worth it to look around for that.


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