Its been a long time ....

Jun 30, 2008 09:39

Well my lovely lady has inspired me to start using my LJ account again.

Its been forever since I have made a post ... I tend to snoop sometimes and read what everyone else is doing but I haven't been too active.

Here is an update on me and my weirdo life.

I have been laid off from my lame job.
There are pros and cons to this
obviously good because I don't have to go to my lame job anymore. Also good because it has given me the opportunity to do something really interesting with my life ( I will get to that later in the post).

I have no job and no source of income. This leads to stress.
I am very lucky that I have the support of a fantastic woman at home (starrwinter).
She has been so amazing.
We have had some ups and downs, not all of it was related to my being an unemployed bastard but you grind down and deal with it and I love her very much for that.

Now onto the big opportunity.

I have decided that I am going to take advantage of not working to go back to school.
School you say? ... yes.
For a long time I have considered taking a complete 180 in my career choice and I have made the first steps to going that direction.
I have officially been accepted into hair school.
I know I know...make the bald joke.

That being said I am very excited.....I am also very irritated, I will explain.

The government preaches that they want people to get ahead ... I have been dealt a rough hand and been unemployed.
Hair is considered a trade and the government pours money into the funding of trades.....everyone of them except hair.
Apparently too many high school drop outs get money to to go hair school and never ever do anything with it so as a result someone like me can't get any funding.
Do I look like a high school drop out?

Lets look at this closely. You would think, if a 32 year old man has the balls to apply for hair school you can take him seriously. On top of that I already have work lined up for when I graduate from hair school (so obviously I'm serious).
Apparently that doesn't matter to anyone.

Student loan you say?

Yup would be nice....problem is I have a previous student loan ... I made good on my payments for the last year or more....when I lost my job I called and said ... I need to miss a payment because I don't know when my next cheque is coming. They said that was fine....of course what they failed to tell me was that missing one payment would make me null and void when it came to applying for another loan.
I need to make 6 consecutive payments to qualify ... hmmmm school starts in September, its June now....thats not 6 months.

Bank loan/student line of credit?
Yes Quint we can loan you money, there is a catch though .... you need a job to get a loan. Well isn't that helpful.

I do have some options still. This is something I need to work out still.
I may end up as a working schlub somewhere again I suppose which makes me sad kinda.
Not that I don't want to work, Im just really tired of working for some chain or large corporation. I want to be my own boss....I've had enough of this being evaluated on my performance crap. If I am getting the work done and I am making money that should be the only evaluation needed. Not to say I can't perform ... at my last job I was one of the top people so I know I am good at whatever I do but the point is I hate having to report to someone else.

Anyway thats enough of my rambling.

If anyone has an extra 8000 to lend me it would be much appreciated.
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